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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
6041 Guidelines for the conduct of United Nations inquiries into allegations of massacres Detail Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations 1997 G / 327.7 108 p
6042 Human resource development : the Philippine experience : readings for the practitioner Detail ed. by Carmela D. Ortigas / Ateneo de Manila University Press 1997 SEA / 366.7 xiv、 170 p
6043 Philippine peace and human rights review Detail Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center / Institute of Human Rights, University of the Philippines Law Center 1997 SEA / 316.1 / 1997 iv、 200 p
6044 Handbook for human rights action in the context of traffic in women Detail Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women(GAATW) / Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women(GAATW) 1997 G / 368.4 1 v (loose-leaf)
6045 Summary of human rights violations against aliens in Japan during deportation procedures by immigration control officers acting on behalf of the government of Japan : report Detail Compiled and Submitted by the Immigration Review Task Force / Immigration Review Task Force 1997 J / 329.9 34 p
6046 Migrant women's human rights in G-7 countries : organizing strategies Detail ed. by Mallika Dutt, Leni Marin, Helen Zia / Fammily Violence Prevention Fund and Center for Women's Global Leadership 1997 G / 367.2 69 p
6047 Indonesia toward the end soehartocracy : report of a mission to Indonesia on the occasion of its sixth general elections; May 22 to June 3, 1997 Detail ed. by Evelyn Balais-serrano / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum - Asia) 1997 97 p
6048 Report on the regional initiative on the UN Decade for Human Rights Education with focus on the research on harmonizing Asia's cultural values and human rights Detail Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (HURIGHTS OSAKA) 1997 AP / 316.1 vi、 238 p
6049 Enforced or involuntary disappearances Detail United Nations Centre for Human Rights / United Nations Centre for Human Rights 1997 G / 316.1 / 6 24 p
6050 「戦争と女性への暴力」国際会議 : 資料集 Detail 「戦争と女性への暴力」国際会議実行委員会 編 / 「戦争と女性への暴力」国際会議実行委員会(日本) : 女性の人権アジアセンター(フィリピン) 1997 G / 367.2 220p
6051 The rights of indigenous peoples Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 1997 G / 316.1 / 9-1 40 p
6052 Monitoring economic, social and cultural rights : the Philippine experience Detail writers, Rosario K. Garcia...[et al.] / Philippine Human Rights Information Center(PhilRights) 1997 SEA / 316.1 107 p
6053 府政に関する世論調査 : 報告書 Detail 大阪府府民情報室 1997 J / 318.2 / 77 94p
6054 The people's representatives : electoral systems in the Asia-Pacific region Detail ed. by Graham Hassall & Cheryl Saunders / Allen & Unwin 1997 AP / 314.8 vi、 265 p
6055 Access to human rights documentation : documentation, bibliographies and data bases on human rights Detail prepared by Janusz Symonides, Vladimir Volodin / UNESCO 1997 G / 316.1 viii、 188 p
6056 こんばん、スキヤキ Detail 高橋幸子 作 ; 曽和絹江 絵 / [大阪市教育委員会] 1997 J / 367.7 30p
6057 Educational evaluation and measurement : theory, practice and application : a pafte - textbook development project Detail Roberto N. Padua, Rosita G. Santos / Katha 1997 SEA / 371.7 115 p
6058 キャンパス・セクシュアル・ハラスメント : 調査・分析・対策 Detail 渡辺和子・女性学教育ネットワーク 編 / 啓文社 1997 J / 367.9 466p
6059 新しい社会セクターの可能性 : NPOと労働組合 Detail 林雄二郎, 連合総合生活開発研究所 編 / 第一書林 1997 J / 335.8 206p
6060 A policy of discrimination : land expropriation, planning and building in east Jerusalem Detail B'tselem 1997 WA / 316.8 126 p

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