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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
6101 Shame, secrecy, and silence : study on rape in Penang Detail co-ordinated and ed. by Rohana Ariffin / Women's Crisis Centre 1997 SEA / 367.2 xiii、 264 p、 [4] p of plates : ill
6102 Message stick : a report on Mutant message down under Detail Bounuh Wongee / Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation 1997 P / 316.8 1 v
6103 UNDP 年次報告書 : 持続可能な人間開発を通じて貧困に終止符を!そして平和の構築を! Detail text, Ian Steele ; director, Djibril Diallo / United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 1997 G / 361.9 36p
6104 Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 1997 G / 316.1 / 11 22 p
6105 [Pamphlets on civic education : several year levels] Detail National Institute of Educational Science 1997 SEA / 375.1 88 p
6106 A legislative advocacy manual for women Detail prepared and published by Women's Legal Bureau / Women's Legal Bureau 1997 SEA / 367.2 78 p : ill
6107 Peace education module : for elementary level Detail Department of education, culture and sports 1997 SEA / 375 164 p
6108 Human rights Detail DIAKONIA 1997 SEA / 371.5 19 leaves
6109 Human rights Detail DIAKONIA 1997 SEA / 371.5 19 leaves
6110 一人ひとりが輝くために Detail 大阪府人権啓発推進本部 企画・編集 / 企画調整部国際室人権平和室 1997 J / 316.1 22 p
6111 Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 1996 Detail Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 1997 EA / 316.1 18 leaves
6112 Report on the regional initiative on the UN Decade for Human Rights Education with focus on the research on harmonizing Asia's cultural values and human rights Detail Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (HURIGHTS OSAKA) 1997 AP / 316.1 p 96-185
6113 Trafficking of women and children in Pakistan : the flesh trade report Detail Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) 1997 SA / 368.4 55 p
6114 The Cold War in the Third World : Guyana Detail by Lily Ramcharan / [S.n.] 1997 AM / 312 88 p
6115 人権に関する学習のすすめ方 : 社会教育指導者の手引 : 平成8年度文部省委嘱事業 Detail 国立教育会館社会教育研修所 1997 J / 371.5 90p
6116 Protection of the heritage of indigenous people Detail by Erica-Irene Daes / United Nations 1997 G / 316.8 vi、 30 p
6117 「NGO東京地雷会議 '97」資料集 : 「対人地雷全面禁止に向けて今私たちにできること」 Detail [NGO東京地雷会議 '97] 1997 G / 319.8 147p
6118 [NGO東京地雷会議 '97] Detail [NGO東京地雷会議 '97] 1997 G / 319.8 1冊
6119 POP! : a training manual for community-organiser facilitators Detail compiled and ed. by Carmela Millado, Jo Hann Tan ; photographs and graphics by Jo Hann Tan ; lay-out by Angela / Southeast Asia Popular Communications Programme (SEA-PCP) 1997 SEA / 371.5 iv、 108 p
6120 外国人にも住みよい日本をめざして : 外国人の在留に関する行政の現状と課題 Detail 総務庁行政監察局 編 / 大蔵省印刷局 1997 J / 329.9 216p

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