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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
6161 The international role of the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Detail Chris Sidoti ; Australia. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission / Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997 P / 327.7 24 p
6162 Looking beyond Beijing : regional forum : proceedings Detail APWLD (Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development) 1997 AP / 367.2 48 p
6163 Bringing them home : a guide to the findings and recommendations of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families Detail Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997 P / 361.8 50 p
6164 Progress report : January 1996-December 1996 : Human Rights Education Programme Detail Human Rights Education Programme 1997 G / 371.5 iv, 68 p
6165 Disability discrimination ordinance : code of practice on employment Detail Equal Opportunities Commission 1997 EA / 366.2 30 p
6166 National Human Rights Commission act Detail [National Human Rights Commission] 1997 SEA / 327.7 1 v
6167 Sex discrimination ordinance : code of practice on employment Detail Equal Opportunities Commission 1997 EA / 366.2 33 p
6168 Human rights in Asian cultures continuity and change : a regional report in support of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education - continuity and change Detail editors, Jefferson R. Plantilla and Sebasti L. Raj, SJ / Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center 1997 AP / 316.1 iv, 374 p
6169 Maid to order in Hong Kong : stories of Filipina workers Detail [by] Nicole Constable / Cornell University Press 1997 SEA / 366.8 xix, 230 p
6170 The ethnicity reader : nationalism, multiculturalism, and migration Detail [by] Montserrat Guibernau, John Rex / Polity Press 1997 G / 361.7 vi, 336 p
6171 No place for borders : the HIV/AIDS epidemic and development in Asia and the Pacific Detail ed. by Godfrey Linge, Doug Porter / Allen & Unwin 1997 AP / 369.9 xxii, 191 p
6172 Crime and social deviance : Philippine sociological review  Detail editor, Virginia A. Miralao / Philippine Sociological Society 1997 SEA / 368.6 ix, 180 p
6173 過去と冷戦を超えて : いま日韓条約を問う Detail 在日韓国青年連合, 在日韓国学生同盟 編 / 在日韓国青年連合 : 在日韓国学生同盟 1996 EA / 319.8 307p
6174 在日「外国人」読本 : ボ-ダ-レス社会の基礎知識 Detail 佐藤文明 / 緑風出版 1996 J / 334.4 183p
6175 男女共同参画2000年プラン : 男女共同参画社会の形成の促進に関する平成12年(西暦2000年)度までの国内行動計画 Detail [男女共同参画推進本部] / 男女共同参画推進本部 1996 J / 367.2 [6]、 101p
6176 国際移民の時代 Detail S. カースルズ, M. J .ミラー ; 関根 政美, 関根 薫 訳 / 名古屋大学出版会 1996 G / 334.4 6、 328p
6177 資料で読み解く国際法 Detail 大沼保昭 編 / 東信堂 1996 G / 329 692p
6178 Philippine natural resources law journal Detail Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan 1996 SEA / 316.8 / 39631 p 126-200
6179 The portrayal of women in the Khmer press : first report of the Media Monitoring Group Detail written by Tive Sarayeth / Women's Media Centre of Cambodia 1996 SEA / 367.2 1 v
6180 ジェンダーがやって来た Detail 船橋邦子 / 木犀社 1996 J / 367.2 189p

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