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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
6381 ASEAN economic cooperation and the ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA) : a primer Detail by Bhanoji Rao / Institut Kajian Dasar (IKD) 1996 SEA / 670 26 p
6382 International human rights standards for law enforcement : a pocket book on human rights for the police Detail United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Centre for Human Rights / United Nations 1996 G / 317.7 v、 50 p
6383 The new world order and human rights in the post-cold war era : national security vs. human security Detail ed. by Anseimo LEE Seong-hoon / Korea Human Rights Network (KOHRNET) 1996 AP / 319 283 p
6384 The inaugural Wu Teh Yao memorial lectures 1995 Detail Tu Weiming / Uni Press 1996 EA / 120 37、 36 p
6385 阪神・淡路大震災人権白書 : 高齢者・障害者・子ども・住宅 Detail 近畿弁護士会連合会 編 / 明石書店 1996 J / 369.3 287p
6386 日本の難民認定手続き : 改善への提言 Detail 難民問題研究フォーラム / 現代人文社 1996 J / 329.9 47p
6387 Village, caste, gender and method : essays in Indian social anthropology Detail M. N. Srinivas / Oxford University Press 1996 SA / 362 xvii、 244 p
6388 We did not learn human rights from the books Detail ed. by Evert de Boer, Huub Jaspers and Gerard Prickaerts ; [authors, Mercedes V. Contreras...[et al.] / Claretian Publications 1996 SEA / 316.1 vi、 267 p
6389 Sexual exploitation of children Detail by Vitit Muntarbhorn / United Nations 1996 G / 367.6 vi、 42 p
6390 The right to adequate housing : report of the Special Rapporteur Detail by Rajindar Sachar / United Nations 1996 G / 365.3 vi, 42 p
6391 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Regional Human Rights Arrangements Detail [United Nations Centre for Human Rights in cooperation with his majesty's government of Nepal] 1996 AP / 327.7 1 v
6392 Trafficking in women & prostitution in the Asia Pacific Detail editorial team, Tezza O. Parel [et al.] / Coalition Against Trafficking in Women-Asia Pacific 1996 AP / 368.4 62 p
6393 Meditations on human rights : dialogue of religions on human rights Detail Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) 1996 G / 316.1 12 p
6394 Child labor : neglected human rights violations : human rights forum Detail Philippine Human Rights Information Center 1996 SEA / 367.6 iii, 131 p
6395 Teaching human rights in Ontario Detail Ontario Human Rights Commission (Commission Ontarienne des droits de la personne) 1996 AM / 371.5 71 p
6396 Lesson plans to be incorporated into the Hong Kong English curriculum Detail editor, Angela Lee ; authors, Jackie Decker, Ritu Melwani, Gia Sadhwani / Amnesty International Hong Kong Section 1996 EA / 375.8 iii、 49 p
6397 Human rights teaching methodology in primary schools : integrated methodology for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Detail [developed by] Research Institute of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Cambodian Institute of Human Rights / Cambodian institute of human rights 1996 SEA / 375 202 p
6398 Human rights teaching methodology in primary schools : active methodology for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Detail [developed. by] Research Institute of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Cambodian Institute of Human Rights / [Cambodian Institute of Human Rights] 1996 SEA / 375 190 p
6399 Human rights and national values : self-learning module : for use of teacher educators Detail National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) 1996 SA / 375 / 2 28、 21、 17、 20、 24 p
6400 That's right! : promoting the Convention on the rRghts of the Child to parents : a trainer's guide Detail Council for the Welfare of Children 1996 SEA / 369.4 17 p

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