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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
6661 Hong Kong's bill of rights : two years before 1997 Detail edtors, George Edwards, Johannes Chan / Faculty of Low, University of Hong Kong 1995 EA / 316.1 199 p
6662 The region in the 21st century : security issues in the Asia-Pacific Detail University of Philippines / University of Philippines 1995 AP / 319.8 / 2 80 p
6663 New majority Chinese popuration transfer into tibet Detail Tibet Support Group UK / Tibet Support Group UK 1995 21.04
6664 The United Nations and human rights, 1945-1995 Detail Boutros Boutros-Ghali / Dept. of Public Information, United Nations 1995 G / 329.3 536 p
6665 Rugmark : a brief resume of concept to reality for visual guarantee of carpets made without child labour Detail Martine Kruijtbosch ; ed. by V. N. Mani / South Asian Coalition on Child Servitude 1995 SA / 367.6 14 p
6666 戸籍と人権 Detail 二宮周平 / 部落解放研究所 1995 J / 324.8 86p
6667 障害者の人権 : 障害者の裁判を受ける権利/成年後見制度の研究 Detail 関東弁護士会連合会 編 / 明石書店 1995 J / 369.2 350p
6668 厚生省はゴドウィンさんに生活保護の適用! : ゴドウィン裁判 資料集 Detail 外国人の生存権を実現する会 編 / 外国人の生存権を実現する会 1995 J / 334.4 / 3 108p
6669 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Detail by Ruth Rocha, Otavio Roth / United Nations 1995 G / 316.1 [44] p
6670 府政に関する世論調査 : 報告書 Detail 大阪府府民情報室 1995 J / 318.2 / 73 96p
6671 Harmful traditional practices affecting the health of women and children Detail Centre for Human Rights / United Nations 1995 G / 316.1 / 23 51 p
6672 Handbook for CARP implementors Detail Bureau of Agrarian reform Information and Education, Department of Agrarian Reform 1995 SEA / 610 viii、 191 p
6673 Better urban services : finding the right incentives Detail International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank 1995 G / 361.9 xi、 84 p
6674 A vision of hope : a fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations Detail [editor, Jonathan Power] / Regency Corpration Ltd. 1995 G / 329.3 320 p
6675 もっと知ろうアジア Detail 陸培春 / 岩波書店 1995 AP / 302 6、 199p
6676 Human rights education Detail ed. by R. M. Pal / Indian Social Institute 1995 SA / 371.5 80 p
6677 Department of Agrarian Reform, state of agrarian reform Detail Prepared by the Department of Agrarian Reform, Office of the Secretary, Public Affairs Staff (PAS) ; Photos by PAS, Land Bank of the Philippines, and Fusion Media, Inc. / Department of Agrarian Reform, Republic of the Philippines 1995 SEA / 610 / 1995 34 p
6678 The Cambodian constitutions, 1953-1993 Detail collected and introduced by Raoul M. Jennar / White Lotus 1995 SEA / 323 ix、 162 p
6679 The Second International Forum on the Culture of Peace (the Manila Forum). transformation towards a culture of peace : final report : Philippine International Convention Center, 26-30 November 1995, Manila, Philippines Detail Hosted by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines in cooperation withthe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) / Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) 1995 G / 319.8 109 p
6680 The OCW problems in perspective : causes & remedies Detail Ateneo Human Rights Center / Ateneo Human Rights Center 1995 SEA / 334.4 25 p

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