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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
7061 「国連をどう教えるか」 : 国連教育シンポジウム Detail 国連広報センター / 国連広報センター 1994 G / 329.3 / 3 26p
7062 Migration and urbanization in China Detail ed. by Lincoln H. Day and Ma Xia / M.E. Sharpe 1994 21.02 xvii、 253 p
7063 The organization of African unity after thirty years Detail ed. by Yassin El-ayouty / Praeger 1994 40 xii、 216 p
7064 Nowhere to turn to a case study on Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong Detail Asian Migrant Centre / Asian Migrant Centre 1994 77 p
7065 Human rights institution-building : a handbook on establishing and sustaining human rights organizations Detail the Fund for Peace in Association with the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights / The Fund 1994 0 72 p
7066 岩波新漢語辞典 Detail 山口明穂 編 / 岩波書店 1994 J / 810 1313p
7067 What we know about acquisition of adult literacy : is there hope? Detail Helen Abadzi / World Bank 1994 0 ix、 93 p
7068 The political economy of social control in Singapore Detail Christopher Tremewan ; Foreword by Peter Carey / St. Martin's Press 1994 22.09 xii、 252 p
7069 Equity : in theory and practice Detail H. Peyton Young / Princeton University Press 1994 0 xiii、 238 p
7070 Participatory planning handbook : for people-oriented forestry Detail Upland Development Program Department of Environment and Natural Resource / Upland Development Program Department of Environment and Natural Resource 1994 SEA / 318.6 112 p
7071 Women and the environment Detail Prepared by Annabel Rodda / Zed Books 1994 0 vii、 180 p
7072 The transition to independence in Namibia Detail by Lionel Cliffe ; with Ray Bush ... [et al.] / L. Rienner 1994 44.1 viii、 293 p
7073 Violence against women : the hidden health burden Detail Lori L. Heise with Jacqueline Pitanguy and Adrienne Germain / World Bank 1994 0 72 p
7074 難民認定基準ハンドブック : 難民の地位の認定の基準及び手続きに関する手引き Detail 国際連合難民高等弁務官事務所, 法律扶助協会 編 / 法律扶助協会 1994 G / 369.3 101p
7075 Annual report Detail Peoples Forum for Human Rights, Bhutan (PFHRB) / Peoples Forum for Human Rights, Bhutan (PFHRB) 1994 SA / 316.8 / 1993 8 p
7076 Landownership under colonial rule : Korea's Japanese experience, 1900-1935 Detail Edwin H. Gragert / University of Hawaii Press 1994 21.05 ix、 210 p
7077 Poverty reduction in South Asia : promoting participation by the poor Detail World Bank / World Bank 1994 23 ix、 34 p
7078 Bhutan : ethnic cleansing in the Himalayas : a documentation on human rights violations in the kingdom of Bhutan Detail Peoples Forum for Human Rights, Bhutan (PFHRB) / Peoples Forum for Human Rights, Bhutan (PFHRB) 1994 SA / 316.8 35 p
7079 Aids and the law of workplace discrimination Detail by Jeffrey A. Mello / Westview Press 1994 0 p
7080 Tribal identity and the modern world Detail Suresh Sharma / Sage Publications 1994 0 215 p

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