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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
7621 国連とNGO Detail 国連広報センター 編 1992 0 65p
7622 厚生省はゴドウィンさんに生活保護の適用を! : 資料集 Detail 外国人の生存権を実現する会 編 / 外国人の生存権を実現する会 1992 J / 334.4 / 1 36p
7623 世界のマイノリティと法制度 Detail マイノリティ研究会 編 / 部落解放研究所 1992 0 4、 393p
7624 地域的人権保障をめざして : ヨーロッパと国連に学ぶ Detail アジア・太平洋州人権情報センター訪欧調査団 編 / アジア・太平洋州人権情報センター訪欧調査団 1992 G / 316.1 146p
7625 The political aspects of Islamic philosophy : essays in honor of muhsin s. mahdi Detail Charles E. Butterworth, Editor / Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press 1992 0 vi、 406 p
7626 Human rights in the world community : issues and action Detail ed. by Richard Pierre Claude and Burns H. Weston / University of Pennsylvania Press 1992 G / 316.1 xiii、 463 p
7627 The reform of the United Nations Detail Joachim W. Muller / Oceana Publications 1992 G / 319.9 xvii、 560 p
7628 Traditions of international ethics Detail ed. by Terry Nardin and David R. Mapel / Cambridge University Press 1992 0 xv、 326 p
7629 The strength of diversity : human rights and pluralist democracy Detail ed. by Allan Rosas and Jan Helgesen ; with the Collaboration of Diane Goodman / Martinus Nijhoff 1992 0 x、 253 p
7630 The United Nations and human rights : a critical appraisal Detail ed. by Philip Alston / Clarendon Press 1992 0 xiii、 765 p
7631 The social psychology of prejudice Detail John Duckitt / Praeger 1992 0 viii、 312 p
7632 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : a commentary Detail ed. by Asbjorn Eide ... [et al.] ; with the Collaboration of Theresa Swinehart / Scandinavian University Press 1992 0 iii, 474 p
7633 World human rights guide Detail Originated and compiled by Charles Humana / Oxford University Press 1992 0 xix、 393 p
7634 Yearbook on human rights for 1986 Detail United Nations / United Nations 1992 0 xvi、 206 p
7635 International standards and guiding principles on labour law and labour relations, 1989 Detail International Labour Office / International Labour Organisation 1992 0 ix、 180 p
7636 Freedom of association : a study in labor law and political theory Detail Sheldon Leader / Yale University Press 1992 0 x、 325 p
7637 Children, rights, and the law Detail ed. by Philip Alston, Stephen Parker, John Seymour / Clarendon Press 1992 G / 369.4 xiv、 268 p
7638 Sanctions and sanctuary : cultural perspectives on the beating of wives Detail ed. by Dorothy Ayers Counts, Judith K. Brown, and Jacquelyn C. Campbell / Westview Press 1992 0 xiii、 268 p
7639 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child : a guide to the Travaux preparatoires Detail compiled and edited by Sharon Detrick ; contributors, Jaap Doek and Nigel Cantwell ; with a preface by Jan Martenson / M. Nijhoff Publishers 1992 0 x、 712 p
7640 Preventive detention : a comparative and international law perspective Detail ed. by Stanislaw Frankowski and Dinah Shelton / M. Nijhoff 1992 0 xiii、 302 p

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