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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
7981 Consumer protection in China : translations, developments, and recommendations Detail Donald B. King, Gao Tong / F.B. Rothman 1991 21.02 142 p
7982 ワールド・スタディーズ : 学びかた・教えかたハンドブック Detail サイモン・フィッシャー, デイヴィッド・ヒックス [] ; 国際理解教育・資料情報 センター 編訳 / めこん 1991 E / 375 178p
7983 Bhutan : ethnic identity and national dilemma Detail A.C. Sinha / Reliance Publishing House 1991 23.03 xix、 258 p
7984 国際化時代の女子雇用 Detail 筒井清子, 山岡煕子 / 中央経済社 1991 21.06 219p
7985 The Islamic voluntary sector in Southeast Asia : Islam and the economic development of Southeast Asia Detail ed. by Mohamed Ariff / Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1991 22 ix、 258 p
7986 Land mines in Cambodia : the coward's war, September 1991 Detail Asia Watch, Physicians for Human Rights / Human Rights Watch 1991 22.03 iii 129 p
7987 The tragedy of cambodian history : politics, war, and revolution since 1945 Detail David P. Chandler / Yale University Press 1991 22.03 xiii、 396 p
7988 和英活用国際法務用語辞典 Detail 岩崎一生 / 同文舘出版 1991 G / 320 11、 425p
7989 Mental health services for refugees : refugee mental health program Detail U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, National Institute of Mental Health 1991 0 vii、 273 p
7990 Photolanguage Phillippines Detail Nim Gonzales / Asian Socio-pastoral Communications Center, Inc. 1991 SEA / 371.5 / 3 75 sheets in case
7991 Grades 7 & 8 multicultural communication arts Detail Joseph A. Fernandez / New York City Public Schools 1991 AM / 375.1 8、 181 p
7992 China's students : the struggle for democracy Detail Ruth Cherrington / Routledge 1991 21.02 viii、 239 p
7993 The role of labour-intensive sectors in Japanese industrialization Detail Johzen Takeuchi / United Nations University Press 1991 21.06 ix、 219 p
7994 Pakistan : the continuing search for nationhood Detail Shahid Javed Burki / Westview Press 1991 23.07 xi、 243 p
7995 クルド民族 : 中東問題の動因 Detail ステファン・C.ペレティエ ; 前田耕一 訳 / 亜紀書房 1991 30 280p
7996 Basic education and national development : lessons from China and India Detail Manzoor Ahmed ... [et al.] / UNICEF 1991 0 xii、 265 p
7997 The Vietnam war : teaching approaches and resources Detail ed. by Marc Jason Gilbert / Greenwood Press 1991 22.11 x、 300 p
7998 Gender transformation, power and resistance among women in sri lanka. : the fish don't talk about the water Detail Manohar Publications / Manohar Publications 1991 23.08 399 p
7999 市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約の解釈 Detail シルビア・ブラウン・浜野 [ ] / [立命館大学国際関係学会] 1991 J / 329 p143-188
8000 ちびくろサンボとピノキオ : 差別と表現・教育の自由 Detail 杉尾敏明, 棚橋美代子 / 青木書店 1990 J / 316.8 9, 274p

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