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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
8301 Research in race and ethnic relations Detail editors, Cora Bagley Marrett, Chryl Leggon / Jai Press 1989 0 xi、 267 p
8302 Creating ethnicity : the process of ethnogenesis Detail Eugeen E. Roosens / Sage Publications 1989 0 168 p
8303 Right to adequate food as a human right Detail Center for Human Rights, United Nations / United Nations 1989 G / 610 iv, 73 p
8304 Hunger and public action Detail Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen / Clarendon Press 1989 0 xviii、 373 p
8305 What is special education? Detail John Fish / Open University Press 1989 0 112 p
8306 Special educational needs review Detail ed. by Neville Jones / Falmer Press 1989 0 viii、 225 p
8307 Special educational needs review Detail ed. by Neville Jones / Falmer Press 1989 0 xiii、 219 p
8308 Racial inequality in education Detail ed. by Barry Troyna / Routledge 1989 0 ix、 211 p
8309 モンスーンアジアの経済発展 Detail ハリ-・T.オ-シマ ; 渡辺利夫, 小浜裕久 監訳 / 勁草書房 1989 20 396p
8310 The politics of development : perspectives on twentieth-century Asia Detail Robert A. Scalapino / Harvard University Press 1989 20 137 p
8311 Women, poverty and ideology in Asia : contradictory pressures, uneasy resolutions Detail ed. by Haleh Afshar and Bina Agarwal / Macmillan 1989 20 x、 242 p
8312 Building confidence, resolving conflicts : proceedings of the second Asia-Pacific roundtable, kuala lumpur, July 1-4, 1988 Detail ed. by Muthiah Alagappa / Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia 1989 20 vi、 155 p
8313 Democracy in developing countries Detail ed. by Larry Diamond, Juan J. Linz, Seymour Martin Lipset / L. Rienner 1989 20 xxvii、 489 p
8314 北アジア遊牧民族史研究 Detail 山田信夫 / 東京大学出版会 1989 20 374p
8315 イスラム世界 Detail 前嶋信次 / 河出書房新社 1989 G / 220 408、 17p
8316 The modern history of mongolia Detail C.R. Bawden ; Afterword by Alan Sanders / Kegan Paul Internaional 1989 21.07 xix、 476 p、 [24] p of plates
8317 The republic of Korea : economic transformation and social change Detail David I. Steinberg / Westview Press 1989 21.052 xv、 218 p
8318 陪審裁判の実現に向けて : 新陪審法案(第一次案)とその解説 Detail 自由人権協会 / 自由人権協会 1989 21.06 94p
8319 外国人労働者 Detail 手塚和彰 / 日本経済新聞社 1989 21.06 288p
8320 ASEAN (the association of south-east Asian nations), 20 years : a comprehensive documentation Detail R. Nagi / Lancers Books 1989 22 239 p

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