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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
8341 Report on national legislation for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities : examples from 22 countries and areas Detail United Nations / United Nations 1989 0 42 p
8342 Approaches to human rights teaching : material for schools Detail [ed by.] Helena Allahwerdi, Liisa Jaaskelainen / [The Finnish National Commission for UNESCO] 1989 E / 375 91 p
8343 Modern Japan through its weddings : gender, person, and society in ritual portrayal Detail Walter Edwards / Stanford University Press 1989 J / 385.4 viii、 173 p
8344 Destroying ethnic identity: the expulsion of the Bulgarian Turks Detail U.S. Helsinki Watch Committee / Helsinki Watch 1989 60.05
8345 The indos in southern california Detail Greta Kwik / Ams Press 1989 0 340 p
8346 ABC : teaching human rights : practical activities for primary and secondary schools Detail [Center for Human Rights] / United Nations 1989 G / 371.5 v、 56 p
8347 The Munshidin of Egypt : their world and their song Detail by Earle H. Waugh / University of South Carolina Press 1989 43.02 xvii、 246 p
8348 Arms and defence in Southeast Asia Detail ed. by Chandran Jeshurun / Regional Strategic Studies Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1989 22 xiv、 174 p
8349 Rejecting the second generation hypothesis : maintaining Estonian ethn icity in Lakewood, New Jersey Detail M. Ann Walko / Ams Press 1989 54.02 viii、 181 p
8350 Sovereignty and rebellion : the white hmong of northern Thailand Detail Nicholas Tapp / Oxford University Press 1989 22.1 x、 238 p、 [8] p of plates
8351 Staying alive : women, ecology and development Detail Vandana Shiva / Zed Books 1989 0 xx、 234 p
8352 From a caste to a minority : changing attitudes of American sociologists toward Afro-Americans, 1896-1945 Detail Vernon J. Williams, Jr. / Greenwood Press 1989 54.02 202 p
8353 Communications procedures Detail United Nations Centre for Human Rights / Centre for Human Rights 1989 G / 316.1 / 7 23 p
8354 World public information campaign of human rights Detail United Nations Centre for Human Rights / United Nations Centre for Human Rights 1989 0 17 p
8355 The limits of educational change : national identity formation in a Philippine public elementary school Detail [by] Maria Luisa Canieso-Doronila / University of the Philippines Press 1989 SEA / 376.2 xvi、 283 p
8356 [ABC : teaching human rights : practical activities for primary and secondary schools] Detail [Center for Human Rights] / United Nations 1989 G / 371.5 145 p
8357 Curriculum development in the Philippine setting Detail Tomas Quintin D. Andres, Felizardo Y. Francisco / National Book Store 1989 SEA / 375 xviii、 230 p
8358 The KAMAGASAKI 1988 Detail Christian Kamagasaki Kyoyukai TABIJI NO SATO 1989 J / 368.2 24 p
8359 Development cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region : International NGO's towards promotion of people's initiatives : consultation report and directory of NGO's Detail Asian Cultural Forum on Development(ACFOD) 1989 AP / 335.8 69 p
8360 Yearbook on human rights for 1983 Detail United Nations / United Nations 1989 0 xix、 281 p

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