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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
8761 Class, national culture, individual identify : towards a critical education theory Detail by Peter Bush / Centre for Multicultural Education, University of London Institute of Education 1985 E / 371.5 27 p
8762 Annual report of the Commission for Racial Equality Detail Commission for Racial Equality 1985 E / 316.8 / 1984 vi、 74 p
8763 Famine : a man-made disaster? : a report for the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues Detail Pan Books 1985 AF / 610 160 p
8764 Thailand in transition : the role of oppositional forces Detail Ross Prizzia / University of Hawaii Press 1985 22.1 124 p
8765 Language education for all? : Chapter 7 of the Swann Report Detail by Verity Saifullah Khan / Centre for Multicultural Education, University of London Institute of Education 1985 E / 376.9 29 p
8766 カンボジア・ゼロ年 Detail フランソワ・ポンショ- ; 北畠霞 訳 / 連合出版 1985 22.03 302p
8767 Human rights in international law : legal and policy issues Detail ed. by Theodor Meron / Clarendon Press 1985 G / 329.2 xx、 566 p
8768 Report of the secretary-general on the work of the organization Detail Javier Perez de Cuellar / United Nations 1985 19 p
8769 Labour absorption in the plantation crop sector of Sri Lanka Detail Dharmapriya Wesumperuma, Wilbert Gooneratne, Nimal A. Fernando / Sri Lanka Foundation 1985 SA / 610 119 p
8770 Teaching, education, culture and information as means of eliminating racial discrimination : implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Article 7 Detail Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / United Nations 1985 G / 316.8 v、 18 p
8771 The theory and practice of human rights Detail L.J. Macfarlane / M.T. Smith 1985 0 193 p
8772 Te hui oranga : o te moananui a kiwa Detail Pacific Peoples Anti Nuclear Action Committee 1985 G / 319.8 83 p
8773 Peace & justice in North East Asia : prospectes for peaceful resolution of conflicts : findings, recommendations and papers of aCCIA/WCC consultation  Detail Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches 1985 EA / 319.8 106 p
8774 The culture of the Meiji period Detail Irokawa Daikichi ; translation ed. by Marius B. Jansen / Princeton library of Asian translations, Princeton University 1985 J / 210 xvi, 320 p
8775 憲法・人権論 Detail 久田栄正 [ほか] 共 / 法律文化社 1984 J / 323 188p
8776 売娼の社会史 Detail 吉見周子 / 雄山閣 1984 21.06 246p
8777 アボリジナル : オーストラリアに生きた先住民族の知恵 Detail ジェフリ-・ブレイニ- ; 越智道雄, 高野真知子 訳 / サイマル出版会 1984 24.02 292p
8778 八〇年代の東南アジア : 経済・政治・安全保障の諸問題 Detail ロバート・A.スカラピノ, ユスフ・ワナンディ 編 ; 瀬崎克己 訳 / 勁草書房 1984 22 362p
8779 Seminar on the encouragement of understanding, tolerance and respect in mattersrelating to freedom of religion or belief Detail rapporteur, Kevin Boyle / United Nations 1984 G / 316.1 ii 、 40 p
8780 Seminar on the encouragement of understanding, tolerance and respect in mattersrelating to freedom of religion or belief Detail rapporteur, Kevin Boyle / United Nations 1984 G / 316.1 ii 、 40 p

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