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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
8941 法政論叢 Detail 久保田洋[ほか] / 日本法政学会 1981 J / 320 132 、 12p
8942 国際人権規約草案註解 Detail 国際連合 [編] ; 芹田健太郎 編訳 / 有信堂高文社 1981 G / 329.2 4, 313p
8943 女性と社会変動 : キブツの女たち Detail L.タイガ-, J.シェファ- [] ; 荒木哲子, 矢沢澄子 訳 / 思索社 1981 30.04 364p
8944 Promoting training and awareness : the task of education in international law Detail [by] Christopher C. Joyner / American Society of International Law 1981 G / 371.5 p 159-178
8945 戦後の象徴 : 平和・民主主義・天皇制 Detail 西島建男 / 新泉社 1981 J / 312 222p
8946 Human rights and state sovereignty Detail Richard Falk / Holmes & Meier Publishers 1981 0 x、 251 p
8947 Problems of women non-manual workers Detail Report Prepared by the International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1981 0 ii、 92 p
8948 Social inequality : comparative and developmental approaches Detail ed. by Gerald D. Berreman, with the Assistance of Kathleen M. Zaretsky / Academic Press 1981 0 xvii、 361 p
8949 戸籍 Detail 佐藤文明 文 ; 貝原浩 イラスト / 現代書館 1981 J / 324.6 173p
8950 Thailand, society and politics Detail John L. S. Girling / Cornell University Press 1981 22.1 306 p
8951 Poverty and famines : an essay on entitlement and deprivation Detail Amartya Sen / Clarendon Press 1981 0 ix、 257 p
8952 Growth and equality in rural China Detail by Keith Griffin and Ashwani Saith / Asian Employment Programme, Artep 1981 21.02 166 p
8953 Labour issues in development Detail [Susil L. al.] / Sri Lanka Foundation 1981 AP / 366 112 p
8954 Droits de l'homme: questions et reponses Detail Leah Levin ; illustre par Plantu / UNESCO 1981 G / 316.1 91 p
8955 Human Rights Internet Reporter Detail co-editors, Laurie S. Wiseberg, Harry M. Scoble / Human Rights Internet 1981 G / 316.1 / 39631 p 228-447
8956 Human Rights Internet Reporter Detail co-editors, Laurie S. Wiseberg, Harry M. Scoble / Human Rights Internet 1981 G / 316.1 / 39630 p 3-223
8957 Seminar on effective measures to prevent transnational corporations and other established interests from collaborating with the racist regime of South Africa Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights / United Nations 1981 AF / 316.8 ii 、 35 、 5 、 5 、 5 p
8958 The origins of the Korean war Detail Bruce Cumings / Princeton University Press 1981 21.05 2 v
8959 Child work, poverty, and underdevelopment Detail ed. by Gerry Rodgers and Guy Standing / International Labour Office 1981 0 xii、 310 p
8960 Human Rights Internet Reporter Detail co-editors, Laurie S. Wiseberg, Harry M. Scoble / Human Rights Internet 1981 G / 316.1 / 39631 p 228-447

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