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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
8981 The place of information in educational development Detail Leo R. Fernig ; a Study Prepared for the International Bureau of Education / UNESCO 1980 0 135 p
8982 Wage determination in Asia and the Pacific : the views of employers' organisations : reports and documents submitted to an ILO/danida regional seminar, (Singapore, 8-12 October 1979) Detail International Labour Office / International Labour Office 1980 20 ii、 169 p
8983 Aid, basic needs and the politics of reform in Indonesia Detail by Philip J. Eldridge / Center of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University 1980 22.05 65 p
8984 Conservation and development in Northern Thailand : proceedings of a programmatic workshop on agro-forestry and highland-lowland interactive systems, held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, 13-17 November 1978 Detail ed. by Jack D. Ives, Sanga Sabhasri, Pisit Voraurai ; contributing Authors Michel Bruneau ... [et al.] / United Nations University 1980 22.1 v、 114 p
8985 Needs assessment : a model for community planning Detail Keith A. Neuber ...[et al.] / Sage Publications 1980 AM / 369 107 p
8986 Social work in the Philippines : a historical overview Detail by F. Landa Jocano ; with the Special Assistance of Vernie Valdez, Rodolfo Jocano, Sr / New Day 1980 22.08 viii、 237 p
8987 International law and development : some Asian perspectives Detail Sri Lanka Foundation 1980 SA / 329 211 p
8988 ふるさとカンボジアは遠く : 戦禍の中の小さな画家たち Detail 日本ユネスコ協会連盟 編 ; きどのりこ 訳・協力 / 第三書館 1980 SEA / 319.8 63p
8989 Commission on Human Rights : report on the thirty-sixth session : 4 February-14 March 1980 Detail United Nations 1980 G / 329 / 13210 xiii、 315 p
8990 Commission on Human Rights : addendum to the report on the thirty-sixth session : 4 February-14 March 1980 Detail United Nations 1980 G / 329 / 36-3A iii、 164 p
8991 Seminar on political, economic, cultural and other factors underlying situations leading to racism including a survey of the increase or decline of racism and racial discrimination Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights / United Nations 1980 AF / 316.8 iii 、 45 p
8992 Seminar on political, economic, cultural and other factors underlying situations leading to racism including a survey of the increase or decline of racism and racial discrimination Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights / United Nations 1980 AF / 316.8 iii 、 45 p
8993 Seminar on political, economic, cultural and other factors underlying situations leading to racism including a survey of the increase or decline of racism and racial discrimination Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights / United Nations 1980 AF / 316.8 iii 、 45 p
8994 携帯基本六法 Detail 阿部照哉 [ほか] 監修 / 実業之日本社 1980 J / 320 / 1980 416p
8995 International provisions protecting the human rights of non-citizens Detail study prepared by the Baroness Elles / United Nations 1980 G / 334.4 viii、 63 p
8996 International provisions protecting the human rights of non-citizens Detail study prepared by the Baroness Elles / United Nations 1980 G / 334.4 viii、 63 p
8997 Seminar on political, economic, cultural and other factors underlying situations leading to racism including a survey of the increase or decline of racism and racial discrimination Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights / United Nations 1980 AF / 316.8 iii 、 45 p
8998 Migrant workers : general survey of the reports relating to conventions nos. 97and 143 and recommendations nos. 86 and 151 concerning migrant workers : reportof the committee of experts on the application of conventions and recommendations(articles 19, 22, and 35 of the constitution), volume b Detail International Labour Conference / International Labour Office 1980 G / 334.4 / 66-3-4B vii、 189 p
8999 Shifting cultivation in Northern Thailand : possibilities for development Detail Terry B. Grandstaff / United Nations University 1980 22.1 vi、 44 p
9000 “ヨーロッパ人権条約”の経過について : A・H・ロバートソンによる ; 国際連合における人権及び基本的自由の侵害に関する通報の処理手続 Detail 久保田洋 [執筆] / 日本大学生産工学部 1980 G / 329.2 1冊

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