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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
9021 Agrarian legislation Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 4 23 p
9022 The administrative structure of the agrarian reform program Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 5 26 p
9023 Social dynamics Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 6 22 p
9024 The economic impact of agrarian reform Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 7 16 p
9025 The agrarian reform network Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 8 36 p
9026 Agrarian reform program in different countries Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform, [Republic of the Philippines] 1978 SEA / 610 / 9 52 p
9027 The emergent Filipino Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 10 40 p
9028 Agrarian reform components Detail Executive Committee in the Preparation of Curriculum Materials for All Levels / Ministry of Agrarian Reform 1978 SEA / 610 / 3 30 p
9029 憲法 Detail 芦部信喜 編 / 有斐閣 1978 J / 323 19, 682, 4p
9030 政治発展論 Detail C.H.ドッド ; 比嘉幹郎, 江上能義 訳 / 早稲田大学出版部 1978 0 119p
9031 国際人権規約と人間解放 Detail 和島岩吉 編 / 解放出版社 1978 0 232p
9032 Thailand : origins of military rule Detail David Elliott ; with Foreword by Malcolm Caldwell / Zed Press 1978 22.1 190 p
9033 Cries for peace : experiences of Japanese victims of world war ? Detail compiled by the Youth Division of Soka Gakkai / Japan Times 1978 21.06 234 p
9034 Report of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 1978 and first and second regular sessions, 1978 Detail United Nations 1978 G / 329 / 12114 viii 、 113 p
9035 Report of the Human Rights Committee Detail United Nations 1978 G / 329 / 33-40 v、 123 p
9036 Report of the Human Rights Committee Detail United Nations 1978 G / 329 / 33-40 v、 123 p
9037 Commission on Human Rights : report on the thirty-fourth session : 6 February-10 March 1978 Detail United Nations 1978 G / 329 / 12510 ix、 178 p
9038 Symposium on the exploitation of blacks in South Africa and Namibia and on prison conditions in South African jails Detail organized by the United Nations Division of Human Rights in co-operation with the Government of Lesotho / United Nations 1978 AF / 316.1 ii 、 34 p
9039 The education of migrant workers and their families : case studies undertaken for the National Commissions of Finland, France, Sweden, Yugoslavia Detail UNESCO 1978 0 44 p
9040 Report of the Human Rights Committee Detail United Nations 1978 G / 329 / 33-40 v、 123 p

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