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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
9281 Education rights and minorities Detail ed. by Minority Rights Group / Minority Rights Group 0000 G / 316.8 38 p
9282 Girls: challenging the world : a United Nations leaflet for seconday-school students Detail Dept. of Public Information, United Nations 0000 G / 367.2 19 p
9283 Burma eyewitness : January, 95 to February, 96 Detail reported by Green November-32 / Green November-32 0000 SEA / 316.8 46 p
9284 Socio-Legal Information Centre : 1990-1995 Detail Socio-Legal Information Centre / Socio-Legal Information Centre 0000 SA / 327.1 64 p
9285 Announcement of international training course series Detail Asian Center for Population and Community Development / Asian Center for Population and Community Development 0000 SEA / 371.5 / 1996 15 p
9286 Announcement of international training course series Detail Asian Center for Population and Community Development / Asian Center for Population and Community Development 0000 SEA / 371.5 / 1996 15 p
9287 Annual report Detail BWHC (Bangladesh Women's Health Coalition) 0000 SA / 367.2 / 1996 67 p
9288 Fact-finding and documentation of human rights violations : report of second regionar training programme 14-27 May 1994 Manila, Philippines co-organized by Asian forum for human rights and development(forum-asia), task force detainees of the Philippines(tfdp), and paralegal training services centre(ptsc) Detail Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-asia) / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Forum-asia) 0000 20 27 p
9289 Labour absorption in Asian agriculture : an issues paper Detail Shigeru Ishikawa / ILO-Artep, Asian Employment Programme 0000 20 x、 109 p
9290 A captive land the politics of agrarian reform in the Philippines Detail Putzel, James / Ateneo de Manila University Press 0000 22.08
9291 Public law an human rights a Hong Kong source book Detail Byrnes, Andrew / Butterworths Asia 0000 21.01
9292 Annual report Detail [International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (ICHRDD)] / International Centre for Human Rights And Democratic Development (ICHRDD) 0000 G / 316.1 / 1997 23、 23 p
9293 Ipec programme documents : international programme on the elimination of child labour : an action programme to protect working children and to combat and eliminate child labour Detail International Labour Organisation / International Labour Organisation 0000 0 18 p
9294 Annual report Detail Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission / Australian Govt. Pub. Service 0000 190 p
9295 Understanding international migration : a sourcebook Detail compiled by Saira Shameem and Elizabeth Brady / Asian Partnership on International Migration (APIM) 0000 AP / 334.4 103 p
9296 Report the facts : the Yadana gas pipeline construction in Tavoy District, Tenasserim Division. Detail Karen National Union 0000 SEA / 361.9 27 p
9297 South Asian intellectuals and social change : a study of the role of vernacular-speaking intelligentsia Detail editor, Yogendra K. Malik / Heritage 0000 23.04 352 p
9298 Our voice : Bangkok NGO Declaration on Human Rights : reports of the Asia Pacific NGO Conference on Human Rights and NGO's statements to the Asia Regional Meeting Detail ed. by Coordinating Committee for Follow-up, Asia Pacific NGO Conference on Human Rights / Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD) 0000 20
9299 ふれあいのまち大阪 : 在日外国人とともに生きる Detail 杉谷依子 編 / 大阪市人権啓発推進協議会 0000 J / 316.8 80p
9300 Bhutan, a Shangrila without human rights Detail report by AHURA Bhutan / Association of Human Rights Activists, Bhutan 0000 SA / 316.1 135 p

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