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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
9301 高齢者の人権を考える Detail [国際理解教育センター (ERIC)] 0000 J / 371.5 4枚
9302 言葉以外でも伝わるよ Detail [国際理解教育センター (ERIC)] 0000 J / 371.5 6枚
9303 人権教育のプログラムづくり Detail [国際理解教育センター (ERIC)] 0000 J / 371.5 15枚
9304 総合学習における人権教育カリキュラムづくり Detail [ERIC国際理解教育センター] 0000 J / 371.5 17p
9305 Annual report 1991-92 : covering activities from July 1991 - June 1992 Detail Refugee Council of Australia / Refugee Council of Australia 0000 24.02 35 p
9306 Voices of the Lumad Detail foreword and afterword by Gus Gatmaytan / Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center 0000 SEA / 316.8 46 p
9307 The human person as the foundation of human rights : proceedings of the East Asian Regional Seminar of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Fujen Catholic University, 21-23 November 1999 Detail ed. by Edmund Ryden / Fujen Catholic University Publisher 0000 EA / 316.1 208 p
9308 教育 Detail [UNICEF] / 日本ユニセフ協会 0000 G / 373 28p
9309 ほしのかけらとほしかげそう Detail ふじいかおる, いずしくみ さく・え ; ながおまきこ ぶん / 吹田市・吹田市教育委員会 0000 G / 361.6 16p
9310 The murder of history : a critique of history textbooks used in Pakistan Detail K. K. Aziz / Vanguard 0000 SA / 375.9 xvii、 278 p
9311 Enhancing participation in local governance : experiences from the Philippines Detail International Institute of Rural Reconstruction 0000 SEA / 318.1 197 p
9312 Lesson modules for a culture of peace : peace and dignity for all people of the world Detail A Grammar School Rawalpindi publication with technical assistance from UNESCO 0000 SA / 371.5 58 p
9313 For the dawn of a new millennium : human rights education : a conceptual framework for transforming paradigms Detail Shirley Sarna / Commission des Droits de la Personne et des Drolts de la Jeunesse 0000 AM / 371.5 91 p
9314 Trafficking of women and children in South Asia and within Pakistan (a national study) : a project of LHRLA Detail by Khalida Ghaus / Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA) 0000 SA / 368.4 182 p
9315 The WTO agreements deficiencies, imbalances and required changes Detail Bhagirath Lal das / Third World Network 0000 G / 670 122 p
9316 Intellectual property rights, the WTO and developing countries : the trips ageement and policy options Detail Carlos M. Correa / Third World Network 0000 G / 500 254 p
9317 India against itsef : Assam and the politics of nationality Detail Sanjib Baruah / University of Pennsylvania Press 0000 SA / 316.8 257 p
9318 Human rights teaching exemplars : elementary level Detail A joint project of the Commission on Human Rights and Department of Education, Culture and Sports / Commission on Human Rights : Department of Education, Culture and Sports 0000 SEA / 375 / [1] vi、 219 p
9319 Human rights teaching exemplars : elementary level Detail A joint project of the Commission on Human Rights and Department of Education, Culture and Sports / Commission on Human Rights : Department of Education, Culture and Sports 0000 SEA / 375 / [1] vi、 219 p
9320 Human rights teaching exemplars : high school level Detail A joint project of the Commission on Human Rights and Department of Education,Culture and Sports / Commission on Human Rights, Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Republic of Philippines 0000 SEA / 375 / [2] viii、 226 p

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