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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
1801 活動報告書 : 多文化共生センター大阪 Detail 多文化共生センター大阪 2012 J / 334.4 20, 6p
1802 同和問題にとりくむ大阪宗教者連絡会議(大宗連)総会 Detail 同和問題にとりくむ大阪宗教者連絡会議(大宗連) 2012 J / 361.8 / 2012 24p
1803 The corporate responsibility to respect human rights : an interpretive guide Detail Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, United Nations / United Nations 2012 G / 335.1 iv, 92 p
1804 Human rights indicators : a guide to measurement and implementation Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2012 G / 316.1 x, 174 p
1805 ANNI report on the performance and establishment of national human rights institutions in Asia Detail compiled by Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) / Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 2012 AP / 327.7 / 2012 243 p
1806 Handbook for national human rights institutions on women's rights and gender equality Detail OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights 2012 G / 367.2 129 p
1807 Understanding our rights : human rights Detail Asian Institute for Human Rights 2012 SEA / 327.7 14, 112 p
1808 Annual report : National Judicial Academy Detail National Judicial Academy (NJA) 2012 SA / 327.1 126 p
1809 Human rights indicators : a guide to measurement and implementation Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2012 G / 316.1 x, 174 p
1810 Plan of Action : World Programme for Human Rights Education : second phase Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO / United Nations 2012 G / 371.5 / 2 v, 47 p
1811 Kaohsiung human rights travel guide Detail Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government 2012 EA / 302 51, 51 p
1812 Activities of the Myanmar National Human Right Commission : 5 September 2011 to 31 January 2012 Detail The Republic of the Union of Myanmar : Myanmar National Human Right Commission 2012 SEA / 327.7 31 p
1813 Asset laundering and AIM : Congo, corporate misconduct and the market value of human rights Detail Rights and Accountability in Development 2012 G / 335.1 xvi, 78 p
1814 The social forum of The Human Rights Council : a practical guide for civil society Detail Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations / United Nations 2012 G / 319.9 12 p
1815 Promoting and protecting minority rights : a guide for advocates Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2012 G / 316.8 177 p
1816 The United Nations human rights treaty system  Detail Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / United Nations 2012 G / 316.1 / 30-1 iv, 68 p
1817 The jungle school Detail by Butet Manurung / Xlibris 2012 SEA / 316.8 221 p
1818 アラブの春は終わらない Detail タハール・ベン=ジェルーン ; 齋藤可津子 訳 / 河出書房新社 2011 WA / 319.8 156p
1819 知っていますか?移住労働者とその家族の人権一問一答 Detail 丹羽雅雄 / 解放出版社 2011 J / 334.4 125p
1820 部落解放運動の歩み100項 : ビジュアルブック Detail 部落解放・人権研究所 編 / 部落解放・人権研究所 2011 J / 361.8 118p

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