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  Title(Title・Magazine name) Author・Editor / Publisher Year of publication Call number Description
1941 韓国における反差別運動と差別禁止法制 : 翻訳 Detail 鄭康子 [] ; 朴君愛 翻訳 / 近畿大学人権問題研究所 2011 EA / 316.1 p41-84
1942 Law, jurisprudence and human rights in Asia Detail ed. by Jefferson R. Plantilla, Salbiah Ahmad / Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (Hurights Osaka) : Strategic Information and Research Development Centre(SIRD) 2011 AP / 329.2 xvi, 358 p
1943 大阪府人権教育研究南河内大会 : 差別の現実から深く学び、生活を高め、未来を保障する教育の確立をめざして Detail 大阪府人権教育研究協議会 2011 J / 375 / 41 16, 117p
1944 人権ア・ラ・カルト(みんなで考える人権), 心ひらこう(同和問題は今), あっそうか!人権 2 Detail 人権教育啓発推進センター 2011 J / 316.1 / 2011 1冊
1945 Report of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Detail United Nations 2011 G / 369.2 / 66-55 v, 92 p
1946 セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパンアニュアルレポート : Annual report Detail セーブ・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパン 2011 G / 367.6 / 2010 45p
1947 大阪府在日外国人教育研究協議会--定期総会 Detail [大阪府在日外国人教育研究協議会] 2011 J / 376.9 / 2011 41p
1948 大人教つうしん : 合本 Detail 大阪府人権教育研究協議会 2011 J / 375 / 28 104, 72p
1949 世界人権問題研究センター共同研究 : 年報別冊 Detail 世界人権問題研究センター 2011 J / 316.1 / 2010 114p
1950 Progress of the world's women : in pursuit of justice Detail United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowermentof Women 2011 G / 367.2 164 p
1951 Moving beyond ‘supply and demand’ catchphrases : assessing the uses and limitations of demand-based approaches in anti-trafficking Detail Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) 2011 G / 368.4 96 p
1952 What's the cost of a rumour? : a guide to sorting out the myths and the facts about sporting events and trafficking Detail Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) 2011 G / 368.4 75 p
1953 Building creative communities : PETA's theater for advocacy work in Mekong Detail editor, Jefferson Plantilla / Philippine Educational Theater Association 2011 SEA / 379.5 7, 246 p
1954 A manual on human rights-based approach to realizing equal access to justice : Asian consortium for human rights-based access to justice Detail Asian Consortium for Human Rights-based Access to Justice (HRBA2J-Asia) 2011 AP / 327 17, 301 p
1955 International legal protection of human rights in armed conflict Detail Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, United Nations 2011 G / 319.8 iv, 119 p
1956 Being responsible in East Asia : CSR practices of global compact members in China, Japan, Korea Detail ed., Takashi Ebashi, Lee Won Jae, Yang Bin / Hosei University Press 2011 EA / 335.1 vii, 181 p
1957 Evaluating human rights training activities : a handbook for human rights educators Detail Equitas (International Centre for Human Rights Education) : Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 2011 G / 371.5 xii, 280 p
1958 Racial representations in Asia Detail ed. by Yasuko Takezawa / Kyoto University Press 2011 AP / 316.8 20, 252 p
1959 Guiding principles on business and human rights : implementing the United Nations  Detail United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner / United Nations 2011 G / 335.1 iv, 35 p
1960 Abstracts and proceedings : the 4th International Conference on Educational Reform (ICER 2011) : equity in education Detail Mahasarakham University 2011 SEA / 375 xxxii, 128 p

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