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  5. National Process and HRE

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FOCUS June 2006 Volume 44

National Process and HRE


The United Nations (UN) World Programme for Human Rights Education provides a "collective framework for action based on human rights education principles agreed upon by the international community." The expectation is that Member-States will continue implementing or developing human rights education programs at the national level, this time under a new international program

The first phase plan of the World Programme (2005-2007), which focuses on the formal education system, identifies the Ministry of Education as the main implementing agency at the national level. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and UNESCO have called on the Ministers of Education of the Member- States to indicate to them which department or unit within their Ministries would coordinate activities related to the implementation of the first phase plan

The core task under the first phase plan of the World Programme is the four- stage national process - analysis of the situation, planning, implementation and evaluation of national implementation strategy. It is expected that by the year 2007, initial steps would have been taken under the national implementation strategy

National process constitutes the key element of effective implementation of any international program. It is to the best interest of the Member-States that their national players (governmental and non-governmental institutions) are fully involved, as they should be being stakeholders