When foreign migrant workers are treated as disposable components of the industry, there is a clear case of discrimination against them. They therefore do not enjoy the rights that workers should enjoy. Their cases are dealt with as simply immigration concerns, ignoring their just claims as workers. This situation forces them to either silently suffer the exploitation or be subjected to unjust deportation.
On the other hand, paternalistic treatment of foreign residents does not mean they are not discriminated. In the process of giving them support, their voices are not heard, their contributions (existing and potential) to the society are downplayed, and when crisis occurs, their access to needed government services might be curtailed.
Human rights principles are needed in formulating government policies and programs that support equal treatment and non-discrimination of the different sections of society. Unfortunately, these principles are neither known nor appreciated properly in many cases.
Employing the human rights principles in relation to foreign residents should lead to an inclusive society. A society that does not exploit the contributions of the foreign residents, and instead value their presence.