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  4. December 2024 - Volume 118
  5. Suffering Children

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FOCUS December 2024 Volume 118

Suffering Children


Children suffer for a number of reasons. They are left behind by parents who opt to migrate to other countries to work. They are deprived of education because of wrong government policy. They are sexually exploited by online predators. The list of causes of the suffering of children is long.

Poverty is not always the cause of suffering of children. They also suffer due to situations at home, in school, in the community and now digitally because of communication technology.

One significant issue here is the consequence of these sufferings.

How do children relate to absentee parents? How do they cope with lack of parental guidance?

What would lack of education cause to the social, emotional and intellectual development of children? What inherent capacities of children would be stunted by failing to go to school?

How would children's view of their own selves and of others be affected by traumatic experience of online sexual exploitation?

The adverse consequences of the suffering of children are likely to have adverse impact on their future lives. This "future" is also the future of the society where the children belong.

There are initiatives at changing the situations that cause the suffering of children. Aside from institutional (government and non-governmental) responses, measures at home and in the community may provide a more immediate and relatively effective relief to the children's suffering.