Human rights education networking
Networking with the following institutions will be needed:
Department of Education of the Philippines, WORLD BANK, HURIGHTS OSAKA, National Human Rights Commission (KOMNASHAM), Asia Foundation, Department of Justice and Human Rights (Indonesia), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Department of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO, NGOs (Solidamor, etc.), Canadian organizations, Women's NGOs, Deklarasii Federasi Guru Independen Indonesia (FGII), Teachers' Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI), etc.
I. Basic background information on the existing teacher training system in East Timor
6,700 Primary School Teachers
II. Training plan
a. Objectives
- To raise the awareness on the importance of human rights education among education practitioners
- To conduct teacher training
- To replicate human rights education model in school teaching in a number of districts and provinces.
b. Contents (based on CRC, UDHR, ICESCR)
- Definition and principles of human rights
- Identification of human rights concepts in the curriculum
- Vision and mission of human rights education
- Development of human rights curricular framework
- Practical exercises on human rights topics/themes
- Organization of class
- student grouping
- classroom
- time
- Teaching practice
- Human rights education assessment
- Action Planning
- Methodology - Participatory, active learning methodologies
III. Dissemination
- • Centralized professional development program for teachers.
• Assist:
- - Clusters of schools
- Headmaster working groups
- Supervisor working groups.
- • Participants:
- - Teachers
- Headmaster
- Supervisors
- Local staff of education offices
IV. Human rights education networking
Networking with the following institution will be needed: Department of Education of the Philippines, UNESCO, HURIGHTS OSAKA, UNICEF, Asia Foundation, World Bank, UNDP, Australian AID and US AID.
I. Rationale
In 2000 the government of Lao PDR signed two international human rights conventions:
- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
and subsequently set up a National Committee for the implementation of the two instruments, chaired by the Vice-Prime Minister/Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In March 2005, the National Research Institute for Educational Science studied the development and integration of child rights and human rights into the primary and secondary school curriculums.
II. Training Program/Plan
- To study the child rights and human rights concepts
- To research on the integration of child rights and human rights into Moral & Civic Education subject
- To develop Learning-Teaching Materials
- To organize workshop for Teacher Training both on
- study on child rights and human rights using some of provisions of the Constitution and laws of Lao PDR whenever appropriate
- Provide knowledge on child rights and human rights by using some activities such as answering questions, discussions, inviting resource persons, and listing ideas.
III. After Training
- Preparation - Pre-Test for child rights and human rights in schools
- Trainers' observation/feedback
IV. Monitoring and Support Program:
- Master Trainees monitoring/feedback
- Post Test
- Analysis
- Seminar on the results of the analysis of the post test
- Exchange experiences between teachers and trainees
I. Basic background information on the existing teacher training system in the Philippines
- Collaborative Efforts and Partnership
The Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHR) and the Department of Education (DepEd) have a partnership on human rights education in schools. This was formalized by forging a Memorandum of Agreement between the CHR and DepEd in 1992. This was further strengthened through the implementation of the plans and programs agreed upon.
- Operationalization of the Partnership through the Development of Teaching Exemplars/Lesson Plans and Facilitators' Manual
- CHR and DepEd jointly supported the development of human rights teaching exemplars through the following activities:
- Validation of teaching exemplars
- Launching of publication on teaching exemplars
- Teacher Training
- In-House Training
- Monitoring
They also
- Developed a monitoring instrument for the trainings being held.
- Have a monitoring team visiting various regions in the country where teacher trainings were held.
II. Training program
a. Objectives
1. To promote people's awareness and vigilance on their inherent rights as human beings
2. To mold the attitudes of children to become responsible adult citizens. -
b. Content: Based on UDHR, CRC,
- ICCPR, ICESCR, 1987 Philippine Constitution, other domestic laws on child protection
Project involved:
Human Rights Education Orientation Workshop for Primary and Secondary Teachers and (Special Education Division) SPED Teachers -
c. Methodology:
- Four As: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction and Application
* Medium of Instruction: English, Filipino, and other local dialect.
III. System of dissemination of the program
BEFORE the training
A number of activities are held prior to the holding of training in various regions of the country. These activities are the following:
- Orientation Workshop
- Trainors Training
- Students Human Rights Convention
- Symposium
- Focus Group Discussion
- Mass Media
AFTER the training
- Implementation of plan of action
- Assessment of programs implemented
IV. Monitoring and support system
To monitor the impact of the training and to provide continuing support to schools, the following are done:
- Human Rights Education Monitoring Team - a joint team from CHR and DepEd is formed for the monitoring activities
- Shared Technical and Logistics Support among Partners - in line with the partnership agreement, the two institutions share technical and logistical resources for the activities
- Funding Assistance from Local and International Donors - the two institutions seek funding support from other institutions to be able to complete the implementation of their plans and programs.
I. Basic background information on the existing teacher training system in Cambodia
- Pre-service training:
- Provincial Teacher Training Center - Primary School Teachers
- Regional Teacher Training Center - Lower Secondary School Teachers
- National Institute of Education - Upper Secondary School Teachers.
- In service training:
- Regional Teacher Training Center -
courses based on newly-developed materials or updated materials or in response to the practical needs of school teachers
- National Institute of Education - School Directors
- System of implementation
- Training for teacher-trainers at the national level.
- Training for teacher-trainers at the regional level
- Teacher-training at the provincial level.
- Teacher-training at district level.
- Teacher-training at cluster school level.
II. Teacher training project
- To raise awareness and skills of education officers, and curriculum/textbook/teacher's guide writers in integrating international human rights standards into the school curriculum, textbooks, teacher's guide and school environment.
- To undertake the exercise of adopting the publication.
Human rights content will focus on UDHR, CRC, CEDAW and other human rights instrument.
Methodology to be used in the training: Cascade model.
III. Monitoring and support system:
MOEYS in cooperation with selective international, regional and local NGOs will monitor and provide support to the project.
1. Malaysian Teacher Training Programme

2. Dissemination Strategy of Human Rights Education :
- Training of Key Personnel of Civic and Citizenship Education (Using Cascade Model by Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education. The key personnel then train other teachers at State, district and school levels)
- Training of School Counselors (by the School Division, Ministry of Education)
- Training of Pre-service and In-service Teachers
(by Faculties of Education, Teacher Training Colleges, Curriculum Development Centers, State Education Department and District Education Department)
- Preparation/Publication of Support Materials
Including Teachers Guide Book prepared by Textbook Division and other related materials.
3. Monitoring: Dissemination of Human Rights Education in the Classroom
- Curriculum Development Centre (CDC)
- Teacher Training Colleges
- Inspectorate of Schools
- State Education Department
- District Education Department
- Faculties of Education.
I. Background
Vietnam is experiencing a renewal of the educational system by renovating the objectives, curriculum, contents and textbooks at both primary and secondary levels.
Many types of education have been introduced into the curriculum and textbooks such as environmental education, population education, peace education, legal education, child rights education, and citizenship education.
At present, Vietnam has developed and implemented the new curriculum and developed new textbooks for the primary and lower secondary levels. It is completing the development of experimental textbooks for the upper secondary level.
Every year, teachers receive training on the content and methodology of teaching.
Training is often done in a cascade manner:
At the national level: training for key teacher trainers before the end of the school year.
At the local level: key teacher trainers provide training for school teachers during summer vacation.
II. Training Plan
a. Objectives
- To impart additional basic knowledge on human rights to teachers in line with Vietnam's Constitution and laws;
- To help teachers understand and use effectively the human rights teaching methods in keeping with local and school characteristics and conditions.
b. Content
- Basic knowledge of human rights: concepts, some salient articles in the CRC, UDHR
- Human rights teaching methodology
- Development of human rights lesson plans
- On-the-spot practice exercises.
III. Dissemination system
- Submit a plan to the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) officials for the use of the human rights lesson plans publication in teacher training in specific subjects such as Moral Education at the primary level, Civic Education and extra-curricular activities at the lower secondary level.
- Develop a plan for on-going evaluation.
IV. Monitoring and support system
- Monitoring:
- MOET will provide guidance
- Local educational authorities will implement the plan.
- Support will be sought from
- Local authorities
- NGOs
- Social organizations
- Community, parents and others.
The participants were reminded that while they were not being asked to commit to undertake what they have presented, they were encouraged to explore these possibilities as much as they could.
Concluding remarks
The workshop successfully implemented the program as planned. Some highlights are noted in the context of the Southeast Asian initiative on human rights education in schools of which the workshop is a part:
Participants - the plan for the participation of eight Southeast Asian countries was realized. There were a total of 20 participants with one slot for Malaysia not filled up.
Resource persons - all resource persons were prepared for their respective assignments. Except for two, they have prepared powerpoints for the presentations.
Exercise on planning for training - most country delegations reported on the possibility of training teachers using the lesson plans publication.
Documentation of proceedings - the presentations including list of participants and resource persons were all documented, for the first time, in digital form (all in one CD) avoiding higher expense on document reproduction. The existence of computer files for the resource persons'
and some participants' presentations facilitated easier compilation of documents in digital form.
The Thai delegation announced its project to translate the lesson plans publication into Thai language (as part of a bigger project for the development of human rights education in Thai schools). Other delegations informally expressed their interest in developing projects for national activities.
As in any workshop, sharing of experiences constituted a high point of the program. Participants appreciated the experience of Thailand in developing a program on human rights education that involves various government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the academe. This program is coordinated by the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand. They also learned about the experience of implementing a human rights education program and the difficulties involved, through the report from the Philippines.
The participants themselves shared what they see as opportunities for human rights education. From Thailand, the nationwide program on the rights of the child was presented as an avenue for further human rights education work. The "LabSchool Project," meant for the schools in disadvantaged communities in all provinces in Thailand, is considered an avenue for human rights education. In Malaysia, the existing civic education program was cited as another venue for human rights education. Likewise the moral education program in Indonesia was explained as fit for human rights education though it may have to be reoriented towards the rights perspective.
Problems encountered
There were several problems that affected the workshop in the form of
- Time limitation - there was limited time to get most participants to express their ideas and share their experiences. This is due to the language used as the medium of communication in the workshop (English) that posed a problem for a number of participants. The active participation of some resource persons in a sense also led to less time for participants to take part in the discussions.
- Meeting room - for the last two days of the workshop, the meeting room used was quite small for around 30 people.
- Late arrival of some participants - due to the last minute change of participants from East Timor, their flight booking and visa were delayed. The two East Timorese participants arrived in the evening of the first day of the workshop.
Training partici pants
Laos and East Timor were represented for the first time since the series of activities in Southeast Asia was started in 1998. Officials from the Ministry of Education of the two countries participated in the workshop. The representatives from Laos expressed interest in developing a human rights education in schools program. They said that Laos is new to this kind of program, although there are projects on the rights of the child and women in the country. The two representatives of the Ministry of Education of East Timor were more of observers due to their unfamiliarity with the topic. But they nevertheless presented the teacher training system in East Timor.
Several country delegations informally expressed interest in undertaking activities in their respective countries, not only on teacher training but even the use of the publication in the classroom.
HURIGHTS OSAKA employs the partnership approach in pursuing regional activities because it ensures that activities are not owned by one institution but shared by all partners. This explains the consistent involvement of different institutions in Indonesia (during the late 1990s) and in the Philippines (from 2001 till 2005) in holding the workshops. The partner institutions consist of Ministries of Education, national human rights institutions, and also a university-based human rights center. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), while not formally partners, are always invited to take part in the activities. One Thai NGO helped in the printing of the lesson plans publication in Bangkok.
Supporting international institutions (both NGO and intergovernmental) also play a very important role in the implementation of HURIGHTS OSAKA's regional human rights education program.
HURIGHTS OSAKA views the workshop as a means of continuing the collaboration among Southeast Asian institutions on human rights education in schools. The workshop was designed not simply to train teacher trainers but to encourage them to seek the possibility of using the lesson plans publication as a tool for training teachers in their countries. As emphasized in the workshop, what matters really is the national-level work of the partners and/or participating institutions.
Subsequent to the workshop, the participants, resource persons and their respective institutions have been doing a number of national-level activities related to the publication and/or workshop:
- In Malaysia, SUHAKAM, in collaboration with the Malaysian MOE, holds sessions on human rights in the courses for teachers on the new citizenship and civic education subject using the publication as one of the resource materials.[7] SUHAKAM translated the publication into Bahasa Melayu and printed copies for distribution to schools in Malaysia.
- In Cambodia, the publication and the workshop were reported in a national workshop on human rights held in Phnom Penh on 24 November 2005. The MOEYS subsequently launched a project entitled "Human Rights Integration in School Curriculum, Textbook/Teacher's Guide and School Environment,"[8] with the publication as one of the materials to be used. It is now planning to reprint the Khmer version of the publication and undertake teacher training using the publication as a training material.
- In Indonesia, the publication is used in teacher training workshops.
- In Laos, the publication has been used as reference material in developing Laotian human rights lesson plans.
- In Thailand, the publication has been translated into Pasaa Thai and used in teacher training workshops. The lesson plans are used by some Thai teachers as guide in developing their own lesson plans, while others test them in the classroom. Training workshops for school administrators and teachers have been jointly organized by a Thai nongovernmental organization (The Justice and Peace Commission of Thailand) and the National Human Rights Commission in different parts of the country. The workshops have covered more than a thousand teachers in public schools. Teacher training workshops are also held for hundreds of teachers in private schools.[9]
Human Rights Lesson Plans for Southeast Asian Schools, English version, is available on the web. It can be found in the following websites:
UNESCO Asia-Pacific Bureau of Education
Friedrich Naumann Foundation Manila Office
University of Minnesota
Human Rights Education Associates (HREA)
Amnesty International Australia
The UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education website has both the English and Bahasa Indonesia versions already available. The Vietnamese and Khmer versions may become available also.
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation website, which announced the formal launching of the publication in its internet-based newsletter, contains the English version.
1. Visit for the report on the Surabaya workshop.
2. Visit for the report on this workshop.
3. Visit for the report on this workshop.
4. Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
5. His message was read by a HURIGHTS OSAKA representative during the opening ceremonies because he was not able to attend the workshop.
6. See Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Asia news report in the appendix, and in this website
7. Based on e-mail messages of Chiam Heng Keng (29 April 2005) and Mahmood Maharom (19 May 2005) on the citizenship and civic education courses.
8. Based on e-mail message of Chin Yahan (22 July 2005).
9. Based on e-mail messages of Valai na Pombejr (8 December 2005 and 19 and 21 June 2006).