The words "human rights education" became more widely used in Asia-Pacific only during the decade of the 1990s. But its practice had started in many Asian and Pacific countries decades before the words "human rights education" became popular. Educational initiatives that relate to human rights have already existed in the 1950s.
One can easily cite as an example the DOWA education in Japan as essentially human rights education and yet called by a different name. It started in early 1950s. DOWA education promotes basic human rights concepts such as equality and harmonious co-existence and therefore falls under human rights education. As explained in one publication:
Dowa education can be divided into 'Dowa education as human rights' and 'Dowa education about human rights.' The former deals with issues of school enrollment, school achievement and educational opportunities in general, while the latter is concerned with school curriculum and teaching efforts to change prejudiced views and to enhance human rights awareness. [i]
In other Asian countries, human rights education also takes different names. It can be democracy education, peace education, legal literacy, paralegal training, workers' rights education, consumers' rights education, and even health education. In the formal education system, human rights can be taken up as part of civic education, values education, or social studies (though they may have the limitation of presenting only certain aspects of human rights rather than their integrated whole, and duties of citizens may be overly emphasized to the detriment of certain rights and freedoms).
Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific
(Note: Volume number of the publication involved is indicated along with the year of publication. Volume number in roman numeral refers to Human Rights Education in Asian Schools [Volumes I - XII, 1999-2009], while arabic numeral refers to Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific [Volumes 1 - 8, 2010 onward].
- - Human Rights Education 2019 (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Human Rights, Culture and Education (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Human Rights Education 2018 (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights Education 2016 (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Human Rights Centers: Educating for Action (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Education 2030: A New Vision and Commitment? (2015)
- - Regional Programming On Human Rights Education (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Teaching Human Rights: The Culture Issue (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - Promoting International Human Rights Standards (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific: A Brief Review (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995--2004 (2002)
- - Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific (2002)
- - The First Year for Human Rights Culture (editorial) (1996)
Human Rights Education in the School System
- - Textbooks for Human Rights (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Broader Support for Human Rights Education in Schools (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Values Education and Human Rights: The Living Values - Educational Programme in Asia, Christopher Drake (Vol. 4, 2001)
- - An International Comparative Study of School Curriculums, National Institute for Educational (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Education Policy for the 21st Century (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Harmonizing International Human Rights Norms and East Asian Cultural Values, Byung-Sun Oh (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Cultural Choices in Accelerated Societies, Siddharta (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Learnings from the Asian Experience (Vol. I, 1998)
- - The United Nations and Human Rights Education in School, Valai na Pombejr (Vol.I, 1998)
- Research
- - Developing Networks of Human Rights Teaching Universities in the Asia-Pacific: The Establishment of SEAHRN and AUN-HRE , Mike Hayes (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Moral Education as Special Subject in Public Schools – Implications for Human Rights Education, Osaka Prefectural Teachers Union (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - A Quantitative Study on Human Rights Education: United Kingdom and Malaysian Experiences, Zaimuariffudin Shukri Nordin and Mansoor Ahmed Channa (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Strengthening the Role of Teacher Training Programsin Human Rights Education: the Case of Japan, Kazuhiko Hayashizaki, Kazuyo Matsushita and Kazuki Itayama (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - From Pity to Compassion: The Ethics of Care and Human Rights Education, Yuka Kitayama and Yoriko Hashizaki (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Morals and Market: Changing Attitudes toward Minorities, Mariko Akuzawa (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Child Social and Financial Education, Aflatoun (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Challenges to Learning and Teaching Human Rights, Jefferson R. Plantilla (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Asia-Pacific Regional Meetings on Human Rights Education, Jefferson R. Plantilla (Vol. XII, 2009
- - Context of Human Rights Education in Asian Schools, Jefferson R. Plantilla (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Building Partnerships with Academia to Further Child Rights in Higher Education in South Asia, Save the Children Sweden ( Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Combating Discrimination Through Education: Some Good Practices in South and Southeast Asia, Jefferson R. Plantilla ((Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Training Workshop on Human Rights Lesson Plans, HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools in Central Asia, CHRF Central Asian Team (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Asia-Pacific Survey on Human Rights Education in Schools, Joy de Leo (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - The United Nations and Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, Jefferson R. Plantilla (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Holism, Dialogue, and Critical Empowerment: A Pedagogy for Peace, Marion Kim (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Cooperative Learning to Promote Human Rights, George Jacobs (Vol.VI, 2003)
- - The Asian Dialogue on Human Rights Education, HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Educating Children and Youth Against Racism, OHCHR (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Human Rights EducationTour: Delegation from China, HURIGHTS OSAKA (2002)
- - SEA Writeshop: Developing Human Rights Lesson Plans (Vol. V, 2002)
- - South Asia Training Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools, HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Asian Views on Gender-inclusive English, George M. Jacobs, Zhuo Qiong-yan, Patricia C. Jocson, Ong Chye Wah, Maria Elizabeth D. Austria, Marti Sevier and Winnie Teo (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - South Asia Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools, HURIGHTS OSAKA (2001)
- - Southeast Asia Pilot Teacher Training Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools, HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. III 2000)
Human Rights Education in the School System
- - Developing Skills for Peacebuilding and Human Rights:The Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute Experience, Kathy R. Matsui (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Back to School: Human Rights Education in the Asian School Systems, Jefferson R. Plantilla (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Osaka Conference on Human Rights Education - Dialogue among Asian Educators (2006)
- - World Programme for Human Rights Education and Asia (2006)
- - South Asia Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools (2005)
- - Workshop on Southeast Asian Human Rights Lesson Plans (2005)
- - Learning from the Field (2004)
- - The Practical Aspects of Learning Human Rights (2004)
- - Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools in the Gulf Region (2004)
- - Human Rights Education Study Tour: Delegation from China (2002)
- - Southeast Asian Human Rights Lesson Plans (2002)
- - Human Rights Education Study Visit (2002)
- - ASEAN Writeshop (2001)
- - Dialogue on Human Rights Education (2001)
- - Message from Mary Robinson United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (First State Conference on Human Rights Education in Schools "Human Rights Education: A Shared Responsibility" in Tamil Nadu, India) (2001)
- - UN Sub-regional Training Workshop on Human Rights Education (1999)
- - Subregional Training Workshops (1999)
- - The Road to Freedom, Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah (1999)
- - Training for Commitment-Building (Southeast Asia Training Workshop on Human Rights Education in School (1999)
- - Learning Among Students (1998)
- - Conference on Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific Region - Towards Universal Realization of Human Rights (1998)
- - Networking for Asia's Children and Youth (Asian Regional Workshop on Human Rights Education in Schools) (1998)
- - Democracy in Schools: A Challenge for HRE (1998)
- - Human Rights Education in Southeast Asian Schools: A Report from the Surabaya Workshop May 14-17, 1998 (1998)
- - Human Rights, Culture and the Schools (1997)
- - The State of Human Rights Education in Northeast Asian School Systems: Obstacles, Challenges, Opportunities (2010)
- - Human Rights Education in the School Systems in Southeast Asia -Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR and Thailand (2009)
- - Indonesian, Lao and Philippine reports on Southeast Asian research (2009)
- - Schools, Human Rights and Society - Report of the 1998 Workshops on Human Rights Education in Schools (1999)
Information on other reports that are not online is available at the Publications section of this website.
Relevant Documents
- - Wonosobo Declaration to Strengthen Tolerance, Inclusivity and Justice in Indonesia (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Kawasaki City Ordinance on the Rights of the Child (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Report of the Regional Seminar for South and Southeast Asia on: "Combating Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance: Role of Education" (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Plan of Action for the First Phase (2005-2007) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education - Note by the Secretary-General (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Information and Education (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004) - Report on the Midterm Global Evaluation (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Universalizing the Right to Education, UNESCO, OHCHR, etc. (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights Education and Dissemination (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995–2004) - Commission on Human Rights, 2002/74 (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Final Document of the International Consultative Conference on School Education in Relation to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination (Vol. V, 2002)
- - World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (2000)
- - The Seoul Declaration (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Asia and Pacific Regional Framework for Action: Education for All (Vol. III, 2000)
- - The Pune Declaration on Education for Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific (1999)
Tertiary and Higher Levels of Education
Undergraduate/University and Graduate Levels
- - Human Rights Education at the Digital/Global Age, Akihiko Morita (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Thinking About Human Rights with the Popoki Peace Project, Ronni Alexander (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights and Contemporary Indian Journalism:Towards a "Journalism for People", Gopalan Ravindran (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights Programs of Human Asia, SOH Changrok (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - "Imagining Transitional Justice in Israel/Palestine": Experiential Collaborative Learning at Tel Aviv University's Minerva Center for Human Rights, Sigall Horovitz (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Teaching LGBT Rights in Japan: Learningfrom Classroom Experiences, Sonja Pei-Fen Dale (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Crossing Boundaries in an Educating City: A Case Study of City Human Rights Education at the Open University of Kaohsiung, Elsa Wen-Ying Hsu (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Castan Centre for Human Rights Law: A Decade of Human Rights Training in Australia and Asia, Andre Dao and Adam Mcbeth (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Human Rights Education: Soochow University, Taipei, Chang Fo-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - The Development and Expansion of University-based Community/Clinical Legal Education Programs in Malaysia: Means, Methods, Strategies, Bruce Lasky and Norbani Mohamed Nazeri (Vol. 3, 2012)
- Reflections on a Master of Laws in Human Rights Program in Asia, Kelley Loper (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Human Rights Education at Curtin University: The Interconnections of Education, Research and Advocacy, Caroline Fleay and Linda Briskman (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Right to Health Through Education: Mental Health and Human Rights, Riikka Elina Rantala, Soumitra Pathare, Nathalie Drew and Michelle Funk (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - The Three Phases of Health and Human Rights Education: A New Cross-disciplinary Opportunity in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond, Emily Waller and Daniel Tarantola (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Graduate Programs on Human Rights: Mahidol University, Alexa Johns (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Human Rights and Democracy Internship Opportunity, May 18 Foundation (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - The Dynamics of Human Rights Education in Indonesian Law Schools, R. Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman (Vol. X, 2007)
Non-formal education
1. Community Programs
- - Indigenous Peoples and Culture: Orang Rimba's Education, Butet Manurung (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Empowering Art, Cecille Pauline Sanglap Montenegro (Yllang) (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Jogja's Community Theater for Radical Change for the Difabled, Irfan Kortschak (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Attaining Justice for Women and Girls in Islamic Countries - Irum Ahsan and Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Pakistan's Prison Paralegal Program, Haya Emaan Zahid and Shahzaman Panhawar (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Legal Empowerment Approach through Community Paralegal Project - Khalid Hussain (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Business and Human Rights Education in Myanmar: The First Five Years of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business, Vicky Bowman and Donna Guest (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - National Institution for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain: Human Rights Education Program, National Institution for Human Rights (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - SUHAKAM: Education, Promotion and Publicity, SUHAKAM (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Rethinking ESD from the View of an Ainu Fisherman, Fumiko Noguchi(Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Madurai International Documentaryand Short Film Festival - A Reflection, Amudhan R.P. (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - FreedomFilmFest – A Malaysian Human RightsDocumentary Film Festival, Anna Har (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Active Vista International Human Rights Film Festival, Leni Velasco, Kristine Kintana and Alex Poblete (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - BRAC Migration Program: A Lighthouse for Migrants, Bonosree Sarker (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights Education in Myanmar (Burma), Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Be-Free Program, Bahrain Women Association for Human Development (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Using Theater and Other Creative Methods to Educate on the Human Rights of Women and Girls, The Garden of Hope Foundation (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Empowering Migrant Women, KALAKASAN Migrant Women Center for Empowerment(Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Empowering Burmese Migrant Workers, Htoo Chit (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Legal Aid and Human Rights Education: A Grassroots NGO's Approach to Empowering the Poor in Jordan, Justice Center for Legal Aid (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Raising Consciousness on Gender Equality and Women's Rights: Did It Make a Difference?, Rhodora Masilang Bucoy and Flora Generala (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Empowernment through Economic Literacy Training: The ALTSEAN Experience, ALTSEAN-Burma (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Practice of Human Rights Education in Thailand and Bangladesh ,Asian Institute for Human Rights and Center for Human Rights Studies (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - The Citizens Archive Pakistan: A Case Study on Human Rights Education, Zainab Imam and Ali Abbas Ahmed (Vol 5, 2014)
- - Advocating Child’s Right to Play - Hong Kong Experience, Kathy Wong (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - A Global Legal Empowerment Network: Learning From Others, Growing The Movement,H. Abigail Moy (Vol 4, 2013)
- - Social Education And Kominkan,Yoko Arai and Miho Tokiwa-Fuse (Vo.l 4, 2013)
- - Papua New Guinea: Seeds Performing Arts Theatre Group,Willie Doaemo (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Engaging with Human Rights through Theater: A Case Studyof the Vanuatu Rainbow Disability Theatre Group, Amy Mawdsley (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Human Rights Education through TIE: A BITA Experience,Sisir Dutta (Vol 4, 2013)
- - The Lantern of Legal Literacy, BRAC (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Peace Education Within the Human Rights Framework: Curriculum by Grassroots Organizations in South Asia, Nasreen Contrator (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Asia-Pacific Child Rights Award,HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Human Rights Education: A Tool for Social Change in the Pacific, Kathryn Choules (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Bangladesh NHRC: Baseline Survey Paves Way for Human Rights Education, National Human Rights Commission, Bangladesh (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - Approaches to Domestic Violence against Womenin Timor-Leste: A Review and Critique, Annika Kovar (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - Access to Justice: Community Legal Education Center, Ginney Liu and Clémence Calzaroni (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Empowering Returned Filipino Women Migrants and their Children: The Batis Center for Women Experience, Andrea Luisa C. Anolin and Lara Salud C. Javier (Vol 2, 2011)
- - Human Rights Education: A Tool for Social Change in the Pacific, Kathryn Choules (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Community to Community Exchanges: Breaking the Isolation, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Arts and Creativity in Child Protection Work, Brian Jungwiwattanaporn (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Human Trafficking Prevention in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, International Labour Organization – Asia-Pacific Regional Office (Vol 1, 2010)
- - EarthRights International Mekong School: Promoting Public Participation in Mekong Basin Development, EarthRights International (Vol. 1, 2010)
- Training HIV Positive People as Advocates, Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Child Development and Youth Leadership Program, Insan Foundation (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Motivating and Empowering Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh, PHREB (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Legal Literacy: Social Empowerment Towards Democracy and Good Governance, Jananeethi (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Youth and Adult Education for Social Change in the Philippines: Linking Education with NGOs, Social Movements and Civil Society, Rey Ty (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Engaging Non-State Armed Groups Through Human Rights Education: Experience with Youth from Southern Philippines, Ryan V. Silverio (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Fighting against Racism/Bullying and Promoting Diversity in Schools and Communities in Japan,Joel Assogba (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - 2006 Citizen's Forum,Teruo Yoneda (2006)
- - 50 Years of Dowa Education, Kiyonori Konishi (2003)
- - Japan-Korea Exchange on Gender-Equal Society, Koonae Park (2003)
- - The 55th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2003)
- - Update on HRE and HREOC, Jan Payne (2002)
- - The National Human Rights Education Program in Japan: Some Notes, Kenzo Tomonaga (2002)
- - HRE through Community Education (1997)
- - Community Education in Industrial Asia-Pacific Societies (1996)
- - Domestic Human Rights Education Program (1996)
2. - Sectoral Programs
3. - Programs for Professionals
- - Business and Human Rights Education in Myanmar: The First Five Years of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business, Vicky Bowman and Donna Guest (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Empowering Journalists for Quality Journalism, Kh.Naranjargal (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Journalists’ Professional Organizations and Human Rights Education in North Sumatra, Majda El Muhtaj (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Human Rights Education in Pakistan, Samson Salamat (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Professional Standards for School Teachers and Human Rights Education in Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Hoan (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - Participatory Techniques on Human Right Education: Experience in Thailand, Supattra Limpabandhu (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - Strengthening Local NGOs in Areas Where Extractive Industries Operate: Indonesia (Vol. 4, 2013)
- National Judicial Academy's Human Rights Training: The Nepal Experience, Shreekrishna Mulmi
(Vol. 3, 2012) -
- Judicial Education and Human Rights in the Philippines, Sedfrey M. Candelaria and Ronald P. Caraig
(Vol. 3, 2012)
- Human Rights Training for Journalists in Bangladesh, Drik Picture Library
(Vol. 3, 2012) -
- Human Rights Promotion: The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, Abdul Karim Azizi and -Yeseul Christeena Song (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Monitoring the Justice System in Timor Leste, Judicial System Monitoring Programme (Vol. 2, 2011)
- Strengthening the Justice System in Timor-Leste, Justice System Programme, UNDP Timor Leste
(Vol. 2, 2011) -
- UNDP and the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, Tek Tamata
(Vol. 2, 2011) - - India: Strengthening Safety Nets to Counter Human Trafficking, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Training for NHRI Personnel (1999)
- - Human Rights Education for the Police and Military: A Government and NGO Experience, Paulynn P. Sicam (1998)
Training material
4. - Role of government
- - Raising the Standard of Ethics and Human Rights among Anti-human Trafficking Responders in the Mekong Region, Lisa Rende Taylor and Melinda Sullivan (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - The Evolution of the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institution's Regional Training Program, Suraina Pasha (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Diplomacy Training Program: 20 Years of Commitment, Diplomacy Training Program (Vol. 2, 2011)
- Feminist Legal Theory and Practice,Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
(Vol. 2, 2011) - - WPHRE and Human Rights Education Law in Japan: Implications for the Japanese Local Governments, Kenzo Tomonaga (2009)
- - HURIGHTS OSAKA Award 2006 (2006)
- - UNESCO Expert Meeting on ESD: Reorienting Education to Address Sustainability (2006)
- - HURIGHTS OSAKA Award 2005 Ceremony (2005)
- - HURIGHTS OSAKA Award (2005)
- - Challenges and Strategies for Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific (2003)
- - Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific, Jefferson R. Plantilla (2002)
- - Human Rights Education and the UN, HURIGHTS OSAKA (2002)
- UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Education (2001)
- - Human Rights Education Trainers Colloquium, Theresa Limpin (2001)
- - Mid-term Review of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education (2000)
- - Regional Workshop on Promoting and Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Jeff Poirier (2000)
- - Pune Conference - UNESCO's Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on Human Rights Education (1999)
- - From the Eyes of the Child (1999)
- The UN Decade for Human Rights Education: Asia-Pacific Scenario (1998)
- Guidelines for National Plans of Action for Human Rights Education: A Summary (1998)
- - Conference on Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific Region - Towards Universal Realization of Human Rights (1998)
- - Right to Human Rights Education (1997)
- - Asia-Pacific Governments' Support for HRE (1996)
- - Prospects and Problems of Human Rights Education (1995)
- - The Significance of the UN Decade for Human Rights Education: Its Background and Future,John Pace (1995)
- - Regional Human Rights Education Initiatives, Jeff Plantila (1995)
Declarations and Reports
- - Wonosobo Declaration to Strengthen Tolerance, Inclusivity and Justice in Indonesia (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Osaka City University Declaration of Human Rights 2001 (Vol. 6, 2015)
- Chiba Declaration for a Child Friendly Asia Pacific, 2009 (Vol. 5, 2014)
- 2011 Solo City Declaration of Children's Participation for a Child Friendly Asia Pacific (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - 2013 Kathmandu Declaration on Child Friendly Local Governance (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - Declaration on the Rights of School Refusing Children (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Tajimi City Ordinance on Children’s Rights (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - Gyeonggi-doStudents’ Human Rights Ordinance (Vol. 4, 2013)
- - United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (Vol. 3, 2013)
- - Final evaluation of the implementation of the first phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education Report (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Open Letter to United Nations Special Rapporteur Doudou Diene: Report on Education Issues for Foreign Children in the Chubu Region (Vol 1, 2010)
Human Rights Education in Asian Schools
- - Volume I (1998)
- - Volume II (1999)
- - Volume III (2000)
- - Volume IV (2001)
- - Volume V (2002)
- - Volume VI (2003)
- - Volume VII (2004)
- - Volume VIII (2005)
- - Volume IX (2006)
- - Volume X (2007)
- - Volume XI (2008)
- - Volume XII (2009)
Human Rights Education in Asian Pacific
- Volume One | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2010/10/volume-one-1.html
- Volume Two | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2011/08/volume-two.html
- Volume Three | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2012/11/volume-three.html
- Volume Four | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2013/12/volume-four.html
- Volume Five | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/
- Volume Six | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2015/08/-complete-file-for-volume-six-table-of-contents-acknowledgment.html
- Volume Seven | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2016/12/volume-seven.html
- Volume Eight | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/section1/2018/09/volume-eight.html
Volume Nine | https://www.hurights.or.jp/archives/asia-pacific/
Country Experiences
1. Central Asia
- - Education of Children with Disabilities in Azerbaijan: Barriers and Opportunities, Ulviyya Mikayilova, Almaz Ismayilova, Yulia Karimova, Ulkar Isazade, Ramiz Behbudov, Yusif Agayev, Nigar Aliyeva (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Strengthening Community Participation in the Azeri School Governance: Lessons Learned from Some Project Experience, Ulviyya Mikayilova (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Civic Education Developments in Azerbaijan: Teacher Reflections and Thoughts, Iveta Silova and Elmina Kazimzade (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools in Azerbaijan, Elmina Kazimzade, Turgut Mustafayev, Malahat Agayeva, Aybeniz Aliyeva and Irada Akhmedova (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Cyberbullying and Cyber Human Rights: The Case of Iran, Mehrak Rahimi (Vol. 8, 2019)
- Human Rights in the Iranian Education System, Minoo Aghaii Khozani (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Islam, Education, and Human Rights in Iran, Toyoko Morita (Vol. VI, 2003)
- Human Rights Education in Georgia, Givi Mikanadze (Vol. VI, 2003)
- Youth Policy in Kyrgyzstan, Youth Human Rights Group (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Kyrgyz Youth in Human Rights Education,Youth Human Rights Group (Vol. XI, 2008)
2. Northeast Asia
China- - Human Rights Education in China: Motivations and Difficulties, Songcai Yang (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Protect the Environmental Rights and Justice of the Public, Dan Guttman and Xia Kunbao (Vol. 6, 2015)
- Human Rights Education in Chinese Schools, Hongyi Zhang (Vol VII, 2004)
- - Let Each Child Have a Role to Play: A Chinese Teacher's Experience in Human Rights Education, Yanling Wang (Vol. VII, 2004)
- China: Legal Education, Zhang Li, Wang Jia-qin, Wang Min (Vol. III, 2000)
- - China: Revitalizing Education in the 21st Century, Zhang Li, Lin Zhi-hua, Wang Jia-qin, Wang Min (2000)
Hong Kong
- - Overview of AIHK's Human Rights Education Work in Hong Kong, Debbie Tsui (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Advocating Child’s Right to Play - Hong Kong Experience, Kathy Wong (Vol. 5, 2015)
- - How Should We Move Forward?: A Critical Review of Human Rights Education in Hong Kong, Yan Wing Leung (Vol. X, 2007
- - Sexual Harassment Awareness Training for College Students, Equal Opportunities Commission of Hong Kong ((Vol. IX, 2006)
- - NGOs in Schools: Hong Kong Experience, Kit Chan (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Stereotypes in Textbooks and Teaching Materials in Hong Kong: A Literature Review, Equal Opportunity Commission of Hong Kong (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Stereotypes in Textbooks and Teaching Materials in Hong Kong, Equal Opportunity Commission of Hong Kong (Vol. VI, 2003)
- Human Rights Education in Hong Kong, Grace Tsui (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Promoting Human Rights Education in Hong Kong Secondary Schools, Angela Lee and Mary Yuen (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Rethinking ESD from the View of an Ainu Fisherman, Fumiko Noguchi (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Human Rights Education at the Digital/Global Age, Akihiko Morita (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Moral Education as Special Subject in Public Schools – Implications for Human Rights Education, Osaka Prefectural Teachers Union (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Thinking About Human Rights with the Popoki Peace Project, Ronni Alexander (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Developing Skills for Peacebuilding and Human Rights:The Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute Experience, Kathy R. Matsui (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Strengthening the Role of Teacher Training Programs in Human Rights Education: the Case of Japan, Kazuhiko Hayashizaki, Kazuyo Matsushita and Kazuki Itayama (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - From Pity to Compassion: The Ethics of Care and Human Rights Education, Yuka Kitayama and Yoriko Hashizaki (Vol. 8, 2018)
- - Empowering Migrant Women, KALAKASAN Migrant Women Center for Empowerment(Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Education for Global iEARN Family: Challenges of JEARN, Yoko Takagi (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Teaching LGBT Rights in Japan: Learningfrom Classroom Experiences, Sonja Pei-Fen Dale (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Morals and Market: Changing Attitudes toward Minorities, Mariko Akuzawa (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Human Rights Education in Japan: Overview, Mariko Akuzawa (2015)
- - Japanese Movements on Children's Participation and the Child-friendly City, Isami Kinoshita (Vol. 5, 2015)
- Anti-discrimination Education in Japan: Buraku Sabetsu Simulation, Daisuke Nojima
(Vol. 5, 2015) -
- Child Rights Education in Japanese Schools, Akito Kita (Volume 2, 2011)
- What Do Textbooks Teach – and How? An Approach to Assessing Modes of Human Rights Education, Bettina C. Rabe (Vol. 2, 2011)
- - Evaluating Human Rights Education in Osaka Senior Secondary Schools, Shin-ichi Hayashi (Vol. 2, 2011)
- Learning About an Identity: Schools and Buraku Youth, Christopher Bondy (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Human Rights Education Initiatives in Osaka, HURIGHTS OSAKA (Vol. XII, 2009)
- "Peace and Human Rights Committee" in the Special Religious Activities, Hiroyuki Okamoto (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Whither Institutionalized Human Rights Education? Review of the Japanese Experience, Mariko Akuzawa (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Education Reform and Social Change in Japan: The Case of Osaka, Lary MacDonald (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- Fifty Years of Human Rights Education in Osaka, Makiko Shimpo (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Shin-Eiken and Peace Education in English-Language Classrooms, Masumi Ikeda and Keiko Kikuchi (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - ZENDOKYO: Japanese Teachers Struggling Against Discrimination, Katsumi Fujisaki (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Human Rights Education Network: Japan Experience, Shin-ichi Hayashi (Vol. VI, 2003)
- English-Language Textbooks and Gender Equality, Ikuko Kato (Vol. V, 2002)
- International Human Rights Standards in High-School Textbooks, Yoshiko Kirisaka (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Teaching for a Better World: Global Issues and Language Education, Kip A. Cates (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Child Power, Kaori Nakamura (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Japan: "Internationalization" of Education, Yuko Okubo (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Japan: Human Rights Education in Schools, Yoshiro Nabeshima, Mariko Akuzawa, Shinichi Hayashi, Koonae Park (Vol III, 2000)
- The History and Activities of Osaka Prefectural High School Dowa (Human Rights) Education Research Association, Shinichi Hayashi (Vol. II,1999)
- Zendokyo and Other Groups: Teachers' Commitment to Dowa Education, Ichiro Akashi (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Human Rights Education and the Osaka City Education Board, Yutaka Okazaki (Vol. II,1999)
- - Dowa Education and Reforms in Human Right Education in Japan: Access, Content, and What's Beyond, Mariko Akuzawa (Vol. II, 1999)
- - The History and Activities of Osaka Prefectural High School Dowa (Human Rights) Education Research Association, Shinichi Hayashi (Vol. II,1999)
- DOWA Education and Human Rights, Mori Minoru and Yasumasa Hirasawa (Vol. I, 1998)
- Human Rights Education in Kunijima High School, Toru Sasaki (Osaka Prefectural Kunijima High School) (Vol. I,1998)
- - What Should Human Rights Education Aim At in Japan?, Kinhide Mushakoji (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Empowering Journalists for Quality Journalism, Kh.Naranjargal (Vol. 8, 2019)
- Human Rights Education Program of the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, Altangerel Choijoo (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Human Rights Education in Mongolian Schools: Present State and Challenges, Ch. Altangerel (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Mongolia: Human Rights Education in Schools, Narangerel Rinchin (Vol. III, 2000)
South Korea
- - Human Rights Programs of Human Asia, SOH Changrok (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - National Human Rights Commission of Korea: Spearheading Human Rights Education in Schools, Seung-mi Lee (Vol. X, 2007)
- - The Associated Schools Project Network in the Republic of Korea, Cho Woo-jin (Vol V, 2002)
- - Korea: Improving Human Rights Education in Schools, Myung Joon Lee (Vol. III, 2000)
- How to Use Human Rights Education: How to Implement It, Byung Ok Park (Vol. II, 1999)
- Human Rights Education in Korean Schools, Won-il Heon (Vol II, 1999)
- - Human Rights Education in South Korea, Soon-Won Kang (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Using Theater and Other Creative Methods to Educate on the Human Rights of Women and Girls, The Garden of Hope Foundation (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Human Rights Education Pedagogy in Taipei Primary Schools: Perspective of an An Outsider, Anamika (Vol. 5, 2015)
- - Student Rights and Human Rights Education - Taiwan's Experience, Chia-Fan Lin (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Human Rights Education in Taiwan: Current Situation and Future Challenges, Mab Huang (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - The Present Status of Human Rights Perception and Behavior and their Relationship to Smoking and Drinking Among Adolescent Students in Taiwan, Pesus Chou, Meei-Yuan Liou, Hong-Jen Chang (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Human Rights Education in Taiwan: The Experience of the Workshops for Schoolteachers, Mei-Ying Tang (Vol. II, 1999)
3. Pacific
New Zealand
- Building Human Rights Communities in Education, Human Rights Commission (New Zealand) (Vol. 1, 2010)
- Human Rights Education in New Zealand Schools, Rajen Prasad (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Human Rights Education in New Zealand - The Challenge of Developing "New Zealand Schools as Human Rights Communities", Janine McGruddy (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- Human Rights Education in the Australian School Curriculum, Nina Burridge, Andrew Chodkiewicz, Anne Maree Payne, Susan Oguro, Sally Varnham and John Buchanan (Vol. 5, 2015)
- Impacts of Australian Policies on LGBTIQ Student Rights, Tiffany Jones (Vol. 5, 2015)
- Developments in Human Rights Education in Australia, Sev Ozdowski and Nina Burridge (Vol. 5, 2015)
4. South Asia
- Human Rights Education in the Afghan School System, Ahmad Nader Nadery (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Voices of Afghan Teachers of Human Rights, Latifa Fazululhaq, Khadija Haidar, Zakia Ibrahimi, Zarmina Mahmood, Atia Osmani, Nazia Saqib, and Wahida Shakir (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - The Afghan Institute of Learning: Bringing Human Rights Education to Afghan Women, Sakena Yacoobi (Vol VIII, 2004)
- - Legal Empowerment Approach through Community Paralegal Project, Khalid Hussain (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - BRAC Migration Program: A Lighthouse for Migrants, Bonosree Sarker (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Capacity Building for Human Rights Defenders on Enforced Disappearance, Odhikar (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Practice of Human Rights Education in Thailand and Bangladesh, Asian Institute for Human Rights and Center for Human Rights Studies (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Debate for Social Change: Secondary Schools and Madrassahs in Bangladesh, Working for Better Life (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Human Rights Education in Bangladeshi Schools, Madaripur Legal Aid Association (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Child Rights and Ain o Salish Kendro, Khursheed Erfan Ahmed (Vol. Ⅴ, 2002)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools in Bangladesh, Nurun Nahar Begum (Vol. IV, 2001)
- Human Rights Education in Bangladesh: BRAC Program, A.Z.M. Sakhawat Hossain (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Human Rights Education in Bangladesh: The Bacha Experience, Miriam Perlewitz and Joan Westhues (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Madurai International Documentaryand Short Film Festival - A Reflection, Amudhan R.P. (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights and Contemporary Indian Journalism:Towards a "Journalism for People", Gopalan Ravindran (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Creating a Rights Respecting Society in India: The Human Rights Education Program of Amnesty International India, The HRE Team, Amnesty International India (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Perceptions of Parents and Teachers in India on Play and Child Rights: A Comparative Study, Usha Ajithkumar (Vol. 5, 2015)
- City Montessori School and Human Rights Education, Jagdish Gandhi (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Working for Women and Children and their Human Rights, Woman & Child Welfare Society (Vol. XII, 2009)
- Initiatives of National Human Rights Commission of India on Human Rights Education, National Human Rights Commission of India (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - India Student Parliament Leads School Change,Caroline Brennan (Vol. XI, 2008)
- Institute of Human Rights Education: India Experience,Vasanthi Devi (Vol. X, 2007)
- Human Rights Education in Schools - Project Implementation, Loreto Day School Sealdah (Vol. X, 2007)
- Human Rights Education in Schools and Colleges, Justice and Peace Commission, Mumbai (Vol. X, 2007)
- Human Rights as an Academic Discipline: Challenges and Opportunities, Buddhadeb Chaudhuri (Vol. X, 2007)
- Education of Ex-Untouchables (Dalits): Plight of Human Rights Education in Indian Schools, Abdulrahim P. Vijapur (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Human Rights Awareness of Teachers and Teacher Educators: An Investigation, Saroj Pandey (Vol. X, 2007)
- Human Rights Education in School: Loreto Sealdah, Sr. M. Cyril (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- Human Rights Education in Schools: The Indian Experience, Saroj Pandey (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Responsiveness of Teacher Education Curriculum Towards Human Rights Education in India, Pranati Panda (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- Human Rights Education in India: The READ Experience, Sam A. Chelladurai (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Indian Education at the Crossroads, Prakash Louis (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Human Rights Education in Indian Universities and Colleges, Mool Chand Sharma (Vol. V, 2002)
- MelJol: An Indian Experiment, Jeroo Billimoria, Kamal Damania, and Sumitra Ashtikar (Vol IV, 2001)
- MelJol: MelJol: Hum Bacchon Ka, MelJol Team (Vol. II, 2001)
- - Human Rights Education in Indian Schools: Curriculum Development, Pranati Panda (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - India: Devaluation and Distortion of Human Rights in Textbooks, Sheela Barse (Vol. III, 2000)
- An Experiment in Human Rights Education in Schools, Henri Tiphagne (Vol. II, 1999)
- Education for Human Rights and Democracy in Indian Schools, Arjun Dev (Vol. II, 1999)
- Human Rights Education in India: Needs and Future Actions, Balkrishna Kurvey (Vol. II, 1999)
- Human Rights Education - The Justice and Peace Commission's Experience, John Almeida (Vol. II, 1999
- - National Council for Teacher Education Project on Human Rights and National Values for Teacher Educators, C.H.K. Mishra (Vol. II, 1999)
- - National Initiative on Human Rights Education in Schools and the Role of the National Human Rights Commission, Lakshmi Singh (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: A Response by the Documentation, Research and Training Centre, Justice and Peace Commission (Vol. I, 1998)
- Human Rights Education Curriculum, Methods and Materials for School Level Education in Nepal: Status and Issues,Basudha Dev Pande (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Human Rights Education in Secondary Schools in Nepal,Govinda Pyakurel (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- INSEC Child Education Program,Informal Sector Service Center (Vol. II, 1999)
- Working with Children,Yagya Bahadur Limbu (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Attaining Justice for Women and Girls in Islamic Countries, Irum Ahsan and Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Pakistan's Prison Paralegal Program, Haya Emaan Zahid and Shahzaman Panhawar (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Human Rights Education in Pakistan, Samson Salamat (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Rights of Bonded Laborers at Brick Kilns: A Social Protection Perspective from Pakistan, Ayesha Aftab (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - The Citizens Archive Pakistan: A Case Study on Human Rights Education, Zainab Imam and Ali Abbas Ahmed (Volume 5, 2015)
- - Changing the Mindset: Fazaldad Human Rights Institute, Fazaldad Human Rights Institute (Vol. X, 2007)
- Peace and Human Rights Education: Pakistan Experience, Nasreen Iqbal (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Seeds of Change: School Texts for Teaching Gender Equality - Human Rights and Peace, Neelam Hussain (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Gender Biases and Stereotypes in School Texts , Aamna Mattu and Neelam Hussain (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Insensitivity of Pakistani School Education to Religious Diversity of the Nation, A.H. Nayyar (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - His Rights/Her Duties: Citizen and Mother in the Civics Discourse, Rubina Saigol (Vol. V, 2002)
- The Society for the Advancement of Education's Community-based Schools Program in Pakistan, SAHE (Vol.IV, 2001)
- Let the People Prevail! The Authoritarian System of Education in Pakistan, Sibte Hasan (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Schools, Syllabuses, and Human Rights: An Evaluation of Pakistan's Education System, Syed Jaffar Ahmed (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Human Rights Education in Pakistan-Ilm Aur Amn Ko Barhana Hai, Nasreen Iqbal (Vol. II,1999)
Sri Lanka
- - Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka: Human Rights Education in Schools Mandate,Shirani Rajapaksa (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: The Experience of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, Ravindra Fernando (Vol X, 2007)
- - Education on Child Rights in Sri Lanka, Janodaya Sajeewana Kendraya (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - The Human Rights Education Situation in Sri Lanka, Felice I. Yeban (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Human Rights Education in Government Schools in Sri Lanka, Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Chandrasiri (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Sri Lanka: Lawyers for Human Rights and Development, Lakmali Cabral (Vol.III, 2000)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: The Experience of Movement of Inter-Racial Justice and Equality, Nimalka Fernando (Vol.II, 1999)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: Some Aspects of Sri Lankan Experience, Laksiri Fernando (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: The Experience of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, Piyadasa Ranpathwila (Vol. I, 1998)
- - What Motivated the Movement for the Defense of Democratic Rights (MDDR) to Work Out a - Human Rights Education Program in Schools?, Chitral D. Perera (Vol.I, 1998)
5. Southeast Asia
- - Quality Control on the Teaching of "A History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) in Pailin and Banteay Meanchey Provinces,Khamboly Dy (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - Teaching Genocide in Cambodia: Challenges, Analyses, and Recommendations, Khamboly Dy (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Promoting Genocide Education and Reconciliation through Oral History: the Case of Cham Muslim Youth in Cambodia, Farina So (Vol. XI, 2008)
- Cambodian National Curriculum and Human Rights Education, Yahan Chin (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Teaching Human Rights in Cambodia, Dara Yi, Horn Pheng and John Lowrie (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - A Survey on Human Rights Awareness in Cambodia, Laksiri Fernando (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - The Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights and Its Human Rights Education Program, Vann Sophath (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Human Rights Teaching Methodology in Cambodian Primary and Secondary Schools, Cambodian Institute of Human Rights (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Human Rights Education in Cambodian Schools: The Experience of the Last Three Years, Mengho Leang (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Indigenous Peoples and Culture: Orang Rimba's Education, Butet Manurung (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Jogja's Community Theater for Radical Change for the Difabled, Irfan Kortschak (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Journalists’ Professional Organizations and Human Rights Education in North Sumatra, Majda El Muhtaj (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Strengthening Local NGOs in Areas Where Extractive Industries Operate: Indonesia, Transtec (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Human Rights Education in Indonesia: The Muhammadiyah Schools Experience, Agus Miswanto (Vol. 3, 2012)
- - The Dynamics of Human Rights Education in Indonesian Law Schools, R. Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Child Rights, Classroom and School Management: An Indonesian Experience, Rupinawaty Gurusinga (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - The Multicultural Curriculum: Education for Peace and Development, Anita Lie (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Human Rights Education in Indonesian Schools: An Update, Sirilus Belen (Vol. VI, 2003)
- Human Rights Education in Indonesian Primary Schools, Djoehana Oka (Vol. II, 1999)
- Komnas HAM and Human Rights Education, Saafroedin Bahar (Vol. II, 1999)
- - The State of Human Rights Education in Indonesian Schools: Developing a Model, Saparinah Sadli, Wignjosoebroto Soetandyo, S. Belen (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Notes on Human Rights Education in Schools, Saparinah Sadli (Vol. I, 1998)
- - SUHAKAM: Education, Promotion and Publicity, SUHAKAM (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - FreedomFilmFest – A Malaysian Human RightsDocumentary Film Festival, Anna Har (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - A Quantitative Study on Human Rights Education: United Kingdom and Malaysian Experiences, Zaimuariffudin Shukri Nordin and Mansoor Ahmed Channa (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Human Rights Best Practices in Schools: SUHAKAM Program, Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Vol. 5, 2015)
- -Turning Around Negative Attitudes Toward Human Rights Through Human Rights Education, Chiam Heng Keng (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Assessing Knowledge of Human Rights Practices in Malaysian Schools, SUHAKAM (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Human Rights and Education: Conference Report, Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Vol. VI, 2003)
- - Human Rights Education in Schools: The Malaysian Experience, Nik Azis Nik Pa (Vol. II, 1999)
- - Business and Human Rights Education in Myanmar: The First Five Years of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business, Vicky Bowman and Donna Guest (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Human Rights Education in Myanmar (Burma), Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Empowering Burmese Migrant Workers, Htoo Chit (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Empowernment through Economic Literacy Training: The ALTSEAN Experience, ALTSEAN-Burma (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Training Burmese Teachers, Thein Lwin (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Empowering Art, Cecille Pauline Sanglap Montenegro (Yllang) (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Active Vista International Human Rights Film Festival, Leni Velasco, Kristine Kintana and Alex Poblete (Vol. 8, 2019)
- - Raising Consciousness on Gender Equality and Women's Rights: Did It Make a Difference?, Rhodora Masilang Bucoy and Flora Generala (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Actualizing the Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Education: A Policy Initiative in the Philippines, Marie Lourie Victor and Belmer Yano (Vol. 6, 2015)
- - Performing Childlore and Gender Roles in a Public School in MetroManila, Gerry Lanuza (Vol. 5, 2015)
- - Best Practices in Human Rights Education: The Case of the MMSU-INCHRE, Philippines, Marivic M. Alimbuyuguen (Vol. 1, 2010)
- - Philippine Commission on Human Rights: More than Two Decades of Promoting Human Rights in Schools, Ana Elzy E. Ofreneo (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Share A Child Movement, Nina Valenzona (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Indigenous Peoples Education: "From Alienation to Rootedness" – Consolidated, Episcopal Commission on Indigenous Peoples (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Human Rights and Peace Education to Strengthen Tri-People Relations in Southern Philippines, Nymia Pimentel Simbulan and Rhoda Viajar (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Center for Human Rights Education: Philippines, Anita M. Chauhan (Vol. X, 2007)
- - Learning while Teaching: Mainstreaming Human Rights in Basic Education, Marita C. Pimentel (Vol. IV, 2006)
- - Teaching Human Rights as a Tool for Social Transformation, Serafin A. Arviola Jr.(Vol. IX, 2006
- - Active Learning and Girls Participation in Multigrade Schools: The Philippines Case, Ray Chesterfield, Kjell Enge, Bruce Newman and Heather Simpson (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Human Rights Awareness of Secondary School Students in the Philippines: A Sample Survey, Lolita H. Nava, Ma. Carmela T. Mancao, Ma. Victoria C. Hermosisima, and Felicia I. Yeban (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Integrating Human Rights Concepts into the School Curriculum: The Philippine Experience, Noel Miranda and Corazon L. Echano (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Gender Socialization in Philippine Child-Friendly Schools, Women and Gender Institute, Miriam College ( (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Human Rights Education in Selected UNESCO Associated Schools in the Philippines, Rene C. Romero (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Philippine Response to the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, Jessica Umanos Soto (Vol. IV, 2001)
- - Philippines: Human Rights Education in Nueva Ecija, Nita Magbitang-Chauhan, Marites Dalangin, Lolita Santos, and Lasila Reyes (Vol. III, 2000)
- - An Agenda for Gender-fair Education, Zenaida Quezada-Reyes (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Parents and Educators Empowerment Program on Human Rights, Nerissa Lansangan-Losaria (Vol. II, 1999)
- Inroads to the Philippine Formal Education System: The Jose W. Diokno Experience, Janet C. Atutubo (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Human Rights Education in a Teacher Training Institution: A Philippine Normal University Experience, Felice I. Yeban (Vol. I, 1998)
- - The Human Rights Education Program of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) of the Philippines, Nerissa Lansangan-Losaria (Vol. I, 1998)
Timor Leste
- - Human Rights Education and Transformation Through the Arts, Sierra James (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Empowering Burmese Migrant Workers, Htoo Chit (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Crystallization of Good Practices and Lessons Learned on the Promotion of Human Rights Education in Thailand, Nitithorn Thongthirakul (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - The Work of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand on Human Rights Education in Thai Schools, Valai na Pombejr (Vol. XI, 2008)
- Teaching Human Rights Courses, Multhita Supradit Na Ayutthaya (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Teaching Human Rights in English Class: A Teacher's Opinion, Chitima Booncum (Vol. IX, 2006)
- Thailand: The Montfort College Experience, Anurak Nidhibhadrabhorn (Vol. VII, 2004)
- Child Rights in Thai Schools: Participatory Learning Processes, Kreangkrai Chaimaungdee
(Vol. VII, 2004) - - The Associated Schools Project Network in Thailand, Churairat Sangboonnum (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Justice and Peace Commission of Thailand, Rungthip Imruangruang (Vol. V, 2002)
- Thailand: Human Rights Education, Savitri Suwansathit (Vol. III, 2000)
- - Thailand: The Thongbai Thongpao Experience, Thongbai Thongpao Foundation (Vol. III, 2000)
- - HRE in Associated Schools Project in Thailand - Valai na Pombejr (Vol. I, 1998)
- - Professional Standards for School Teachers and Human Rights Education in Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Hoan (Vol. 5, 2015)
- - Teacher Training in Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Hoan (Vol. IX, 2006)
- - Child Rights Education in Vietnam, Ta Thuy Hanh (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - An Evaluation of the Multigrade and Bilingual Education Project in Vietnam, Donald Archibald (Vol. V, 2002)
- - Teaching Citizens' Rights and Obligations in Vietnamese Secondary Schools, Nguyen Duc Quang (Vol. II, 1999)
6. West Asia
- - National Institution for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain: Human Rights Education Program, National Institution for Human Rights (Vol. 9, 2020)
- - Be-Free Program, Bahrain Women Association for Human Development (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - "Imagining Transitional Justice in Israel/Palestine": Experiential Collaborative Learning at Tel Aviv University's Minerva Center for Human Rights, Sigall Horovitz (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - Human Rights Education for the Israeli-Palestinians, Arab Association for Human Rights (Vol. XI, 2008)
- - Israel and Palestine: Ongoing Dialogue Among Teachers in Times of Crisis, Anat Reisman-Levy (Vol. VII, 2004)
- - Legal Aid and Human Rights Education: A Grassroots NGO's Approach to Empowering the Poor in Jordan, Justice Center for Legal Aid (Vol. 7, 2016)
- - The National Center for Human Rights and Human Rights Education in Jordan, Riyad Al-Subuh (Vol. XII, 2009)
- - Human Rights, Conflict Resoultion, and Tolerance Education: UNRWA Experience from the Field, Ozlem Eskiocak Oguzertem and Paul McAdams (Vol. 5, 2014)
- - Human Rights in Lebanese Textbooks and Curriculums, Antoine Nasri Messarra (Vol. VIII, 2005)
- - Education Regarding Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the State of Qatar, Ministry of Education, Qatar (Vol. XI, 2008)