Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific, Vol. 8

The 8th volume (2018) of Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific is now available in both print and online versions. This latest volume contains articles on film festivals (India, Malaysia and the Philippines), peace education and human rights programs (Japan), education for would-be migrants (Bangladesh), education for students and teachers (Myanmar and Korea), journalism and human rights (India and Mongolia), and research on cyberbullying (Iran), teacher training (Japan) and school curriculum and pedagogy (Malaysia and Japan).

The contributors are a mix of human rights workers, artists and university professors from nine countries in Asia. The experiences presented in the articles reflect the rich trove of human rights education practices in Asia.

The 8th volume continues the task of exposing to a wider (and regional) audience the work being done by various types of educators, groups and institutions in Asia and the Pacific and promoting the idea that human rights education has diverse forms for varied audiences and undertaken by people in different fields of work.

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