Who we are


HURIGHTS OSAKA engages in the following activities:

Information Collection and Dissemination - collection of materials on human rights, including information on human rights issues and practices, and their dissemination to the Asia-Pacific region in print, digital and other forms;
Research - study of a range of human rights issues relevant to the region (such as marginalization of indigenous peoples, minorities, refugees, migrant workers and other vulnerable groups; discrimination based on social status; development and human rights) in cooperation with qualified individuals and institutions;
Education - provision of educational activities at domestic and regional levels to promote better understanding and practice of human rights. This includes development of appropriate teaching/learning and training materials for individuals and institutions (including private and public corporations);
Publication - production of materials in English and Japanese languages such as newsletter, booklet, journal, occasional paper, audio-visual aid, and other materials;
Consultancy - provision of advisory services on human rights programs and research.

Other Information

HURIGHTS OSAKA maintains a library with books, journals, magazines, and reports on human rights concepts, issues, practices, programs, institutions. Materials on related issues such as the history, political/social/economic/cultural systems of countries in the Asia-Pacific are also included in the collection. The materials are sourced from human rights organizations and centers, universities and commercial publishing companies. Information on the materials can be accessed through the website of HURIGHTS OSAKA. HURIGHTS OSAKA has a meeting room for seminars, briefing sessions and other activities.