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書名 Report on the performance and establishment of national human rights institutions in Asia / 2008 Report on the performance and establishment of national human rights institutions in Asia ; ANNI 2008
著者名 compiled by Asian Forum for HUman Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
出版者 Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
出版年 c2008
ページ数・大きさ 198 p ; 23 cm.
シリーズ名・巻号 2008
ISBN 978-974-10-8997-0
請求番号 AP / 327.7 / 2008
タイトル ヨミ Report on the performance and establishment of national human rights institutions in Asia


資料コード 所蔵場所 状態
00030975 一般 貸出可
